Custom Map Suggestions

Hello all. I am a recent visitor to your CS:S server because of an unfair perma ban I received on the EcG server where I was a regular (I also use to be a member, but I voluntarily left earlier this year and because of that many of the higher ups gained a dislike for me). I can't appeal the ban because after I left EcG they blocked me by IP from their forums, so to hell with them for the time being. I understand that some of you may not like EcG and that's fine with me, but their server does have a large rotation of custom maps, in addition to even more that weren't in the rotation. So, I'd like to suggest some maps from there that I enjoyed playing on. I think many of them are worthy of being added to your rotation.

A dust-themed map that isn't overly one-sided and that offers a nice balance of ranges.

Set on the top of a skyscraper that offers sniper combat above and close-quarters combat below.

An outdoors map with lots of crunchy leaves. Very balanced gameplay.

This is a large map that works best with a full server. It can be a little difficult to learn at first, but only because there are unnecessary paths. It's actually simple to get between sites.

A rats-style map with only a single bombsite. A sniper's paradise. There's a cat in the microwave!

An archaeological site that kind of favors the terrorists, but it was well-liked.

Another large map. The challenge for the terrorists is getting to the sites.

A lot of time was put into this map and it's incredible. The elevator can accidentally kill people if the door gets closed on them, but other than that it's a blast.

I can't remember if your server has this already or not. There is also a 2nd version that is enjoyable:

I also couldn't remember if you had this already or not. I'm not sure if I've played this version; beroth_beta sounds more familiar to me.

I've only played the lite version of this map, but it's good. Lots of neat things, like an Elvis ghost.

I've only played it once, but I enjoyed it and I don't know why it wasn't put into the rotation. It's a little dark in spots, but good enough.

It uses dust2's layout, but set inside a steel factory. One of the best maps to use nightvision on.

Another dark map, but I liked how you could sneak around on it. Reminded me of Splinter Cell.

I've heard that the original was set at night, but this one is during the day.

A huge map set inside a museum. Make the dino roar! The exhibits are interesting to read while dead.

A little hard to get between sites, but a nice map.

I've only played this one once too, but I remember it being fun. A large amount of water between spawns makes for a unique experience.

This map got played often. I was never crazy about it, but it deserves to be in a rotation.

The EcG download server wouldn't auto download this map to people for some reason, but it's a good one. It would get voted on then we couldn't play it.

I'm not sure why it says max players 24. I thought I remember 32 being able to play, but maybe not. I love this map, but it's not for everyone. It's great for late at night.

A Wild West-themed map with a working train. I like this better than Outlaws or Westwood.

A nice modern interpretation of Office.

One of my favorite maps to play around Halloween (you can find several themed as such). Find the mermaid!

Kind of a large map. It maybe favors the Ts.

A difficult hostage rescue map. Kind of like Office, but not exactly. Good for a change of pace.

My first introduction to a glassfloor map and I've only played it once. I would love to play it again. Might not support 32 players, but there are many other glassfloor maps. Please add at least one!

I've always wanted to try this dodgeball map. I played one once before and it was fun.

De_ maps with a rating higher than 9 sorted by descending views:[filters][age]=all&vl[filters][rating]=9-10

Cs_ maps with a rating higher than 9 sorted by descending views:[filters][age]=all&vl[filters][rating]=9-10

Rats maps with a rating higher than 9 sorted by descending views:[filters][age]=all&vl[filters][rating]=9-10

OG buckshot jr

TD Admin
A lot of those we have, or have had. However, I'm always open to try them out on my own client and see which ones may be suitable for a test run on TD.

Thanks for the suggestions with links mate! :D

Shotgun Jesus

TD Admin
Staff member
A lot of those we have, or have had. However, I'm always open to try them out on my own client and see which ones may be suitable for a test run on TD.

Thanks for the suggestions with links mate! :D

And hory fruckin mory, I was trying to remember de_museum last week.
You're welcome. $tev asked for new map suggestions a few days ago and told me that's what I should do, I just hadn't gotten around to it until today. The variety of custom maps made the EcG server very popular and kept people coming back for more, and while you don't appear to be hurting for players either, I think that you would better compete with them with more of these maps in the rotation. They're probably the biggest reason I stayed on their server and decided to join at one point; I had never seen a server with SO many custom maps before.
There was also a wire-pull plugin that they added that kept the Ts a little more honest on de maps. A CT could swoop in when he normally wouldn't have time to defuse and pull a wire for a possible instant defuse. I had never seen an auto AFK bomber bomb drop plugin before though, and I must say that that's nice.
I was so use to it that the first time I went to plant on your server, I almost naded myself. I think that it makes it more challenging for both sides because neither can give up until the bomb goes off, where as before you knew at a certain point that a defuse was not possible, even with a kit.


TD Admin
i looked up a video for that plugin and the map looks like it needs a try.


Shotgun Jesus

TD Admin
Staff member
How does this work though? Can it be set so that wire cut is only possible if say 5 seconds remain until explosion?


TD Admin
Well, its at the CTs discretion, if you can afford to wait to defuse, you're better off to let it defuse as normal. but if you're out of time, theres nothing wrong with risking it on the wire cut.

I dont think we really need it though...but if everyone wants to try it we should give it a shot
Yes, the wire cut is optional. You can chose to defuse normally. Bomber must pick a wire when he plants, though, or it will auto select one for him.

Shotgun Jesus

TD Admin
Staff member
Hmm, I don't know. While it would give CTs an incentive to try to the very last, I fear idiots just trying to cut immediately and costing CTs the round with 25 seconds left on the timer :neutral:


TD Admin | Bacon
Hmm, I don't know. While it would give CTs an incentive to try to the very last, I fear idiots just trying to cut immediately and costing CTs the round with 25 seconds left on the timer :neutral:

it was heavily abused the time we tried in on TD :|


TD Admin | Bacon
I wouldn't mind seeing autumn, museum, and some other pretty/big maps added to the server for once in a blue moon.


TD Admin | Bacon
Not a big fan of hydrofire. Its kind of a fucked up layout with too many useless room for campers.

meh, compare it to shit like atrocity and is it still that bad camp spot wise?

IMO the biggest issue with hydro is how quickly T's can get into B. and how far the rotation to A is from B.

All in all, prolly doesn't deserve a rotation spot, but still fun for once and a while.
How limited is your server in terms of rotation spots? EcG had 30 to 40 maps at least in rotation. Some of them didn't get played very often, while some were maybe once a day, but you never repeated the same map in a day (unless you were on several hours). I'd rather have variety than quality, but I only think that some maps like assault, prodigy, and cbble are truly bad enough to never be played. Any map can be one-sided if it's stacked with enough quality players.

I am not familiar with the wire mod being abused repeatedly. Someone might do it once, then they would be threatened by their team or an admin. Maybe it's something you can pilot only when an admin is on, gradually introducing people to it? Your server is a little more "lawless' than EcG's, but they tried to run a family-friendly server and that was silly (I never bought the excuse that some members played it in a family area of their house over open speakers). If someone would have abused the wire mod repeatedly, they would have been kicked at the least, if not banned.


DARKLY Regular
on hydro Ts should never make it into b if cts actually go to the site and hold down the hall. Cts beat them to all locations by far. I have a few thousand rounds played at hydro. and its nice and easy for the cts to travel between sites