
Future Ban List Occupant
Well ever since I started playing counterstrike in 1.3 I have always had enjoyed killing time with some good frag films . I see stve is starting to make some TD videos and figured maybe we can inspire some idea's who knows but yep : ) every one feel free to add any of your favourites I haven't kept up with any video's of the last year or so I am sure ya'll could show me some good ones as well . CHEERS ENJOY (If you were playing competitively back in the day you will likely recognize some teams)


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o30lcEr49cY A lot of good frag's if you dont take time to watch the OLD STUFF START WITH THIS ONE ! There is a 3rd one.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qgWLNmTtp7c REALLLY REALLLY WELL EDITED MOVIE SOME SAY OVER DONE BUT I SAY JUST RIGHT : ) (stve check this one , know you been working some vids recently)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AXtUuFjAsRk Kodiak vol 3

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EvOpnxRckhs Complexity released a few movies, rather overly theatrical but you can none the less solid footage ,

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JgFOspTSJn4 Electronic warfare a compilation of CPL winter 2002 I remember watching those hltv's good times

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ZC74x6-PGg NoA, at the time of the video consisted of shaGuar, method, knoxville, bsl and Naikon. They were the first professional CS-team to consist of people from different countries.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dqkYmVWdxVE easily a classic lol and gotta admire all the stacks in their matches lol makes for great amusment : P one thing I miss about CS for sure !!!!!

enjoy : ) ( don't hate me for any bad music you may hear haha )