CSGO Server Refresh


DARKLY Regular
played a good 5 hours over the weekend. server spikes to 10% choke every few minutes
(much worse saturday night 10-20 loss and 20 choke spikikng) when everyone is on hammering at server to get in

I know you still plan to do work on it, but its pretty rocky right now


DARKLY Regular
I've seen people warping all over the place every so often the last two times I've played. I'm not sure if it's my ISP or something else, though. But everything else continues to be good.


DARKLY Regular
the packetloss seemed to be isolated to that one day but it makes me question my connection.
Tried resetting modem, deleting apps and closing background apps while I play, lowering graphic settings in game
nothing is getting rid of the 10% choke spikes during action moments for me
I'm on a 5 mB/s Down, 1 up bell fiber