Run server at default tickrate for 32 player server... problem solved.
Which is 64.
Shotgun Jesus will be getting kills again
Run server at default tickrate for 32 player server... problem solved.
64 dicks for Brains
I just got finished playing a match, and it felt REALLY good. It's kind of hard to describe, but the game just 'felt' better - less input lag. I wasn't getting any sv drop or choke. I'm still looking forward to seeing what the kernel recompilation will do for 128 tick, though.
The server has been restarted before, but the change in how it has felt has never been this dramatic. I reserve the right to be wrong, but I'm pretty sure that the reason the server feels better is because there's less load for the server to handle at 64 tick. I'll play again today, for sure.I would bet money this is only because server was "refreshed", it always seems to go back to suck after first week and continually gets worse.
I would bet money this is only because server was "refreshed", it always seems to go back to suck after first week and continually gets worse.
I think I was incorrect in my last post, server was probably still 128 tic but the rates were all caped at 64. I meant to say the new lower cap did not correct the problem, if anything it just got worse.
DUDEI just connected a few minutes ago and noticed no difference what-so-ever. Still random hitches and lag spikes, still sv drops and var spikes. I'd love to come back to Darkly but at this point the 64tic Valve comp servers are smoother.
You can run cs:go on a Ninetndo ffs, don't waste your precious ssd space on this topic but is there a performance benefit to running CSGO on a SSD? I have it installed on my external and not my SSD, should I switch it?