CS is laggy

My cs used to work smoothly but after re-installing the game it's no longer smooth anymore.

My ping is pretty good, but I think it has to do with the video. I do not want to buy a video card or anything... I'm looking for someone that can advise me some sort of a "TWEAKING" cs command, I don't even know if that exist. But if you have anything in mind on how to make cs run smoothly , then please feel free to advise.



Staff member
When did you uninstall CSS and when did you reinstall CSS?

There has been a fairly big update involving a new engine and alot of people have complained about poor performance after the upgrade.

Fork Included

TD Admin
define smoothly, is your FPS significantly lower than it was before? Or does it play as if you have 300+ ping even though its normal?
My ping is 5-15 so that's fine.

FPS i am not sure what my fps is, if you can give me the command to show the fps it'll be great.. then, i'll let you know what i'm getting.

It's not smooth meaning, it's very laggy , i mean i dont think i have the best video card but... it was working fine before .. so i dont know whats up with that..

Thanks Dudes!
[quote1279320465=Shotgun Jesus]
bind mouse1 "kill"

@SJ : Can you ban yourself ?

@sirk3n : After the update my shitbox was lagging like crazy, i would get insane choke and the fps was around 20-60 in spikes.

Manual adjust your rates like
cl_cmdrate 60
cl_update 60
rate 25000
cl_interp 0.03 (move gradualy up if you notice interp turning yellow or orange while watching net_graph 3, as in 0.04 - 0.05 - 0.06)

Turn all the game settings down, see if it helps any. if not ... hang yourself.

OG buckshot jr

TD Admin
surk3n, start by telling us all of your specs:

- cpu
- gpu
- ram
- operating system etc

Next, post some net_graph numbers. Let's get to know what's up before we start changing rates and other stuff.


TD Admin
[quote1279346296=Shotgun Jesus]
bind mouse1 "kill"


TD Member
[quote1279389846=Shotgun Jesus]
bind mouse1 "kill"


Ok, i know not what kinda vid card u have. but what i have done to pick up extra performance outta my out dated shit is to overclock my vid card, via powerstrip or ntune from nvidia. you tweek around with the settings and clock/mem speed and you will find that sweet spot. it's like having a new card. although you will need to keep the card cool so invest in a cheap fan. and as with ocing you will have crashing and freezing while trying to find the sweet spot. but in the end it's worth it, i have picked up a respectable 40-60 xtra frames. pretty good for a poor man's fix.

Good luck...

Nvidia= Gt 7300 256

OG buckshot jr

TD Admin
Dude... no offense, but I don't think sirk3n's an advanced user. Let's not get carried away. Let's wait till he comes back with some specs and maybe we can collectively pinpoint/ballpark the issue and resolve it for him.

CPU = AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 5600 +
GPU = Radeon X1300/X1550 Series
RAM = 2GB ram
OS = Windows 7 32 bit

@Headshot King = Thanks Man I'll try that and will let you guys know the result

Thanks everyone!
@HoggSlayer = I don't really like the idea of overclockin my video card.. I just want to leave it , just the way it is.


TD Admin
eek at that video card. but isn't css CPU heavy?

Only thing I can suggest is low graphics settins, cl_ragdoll_physics_enable 0, make sure HDR is off.

OG buckshot jr

TD Admin
Ok, it seems you have a decent enough computer to run css at least decently well. Assuming you have good internet (not DSL/phoneline), there are a few things I can suggest/rule out for you:

- Make sure you have no launch commands (like -dxlevel, -heapsize etc) as they now completely mess css up
- In your ATI Catalyst settings, make sure these are turned off:

1 ) Anti-Aliasing
2 ) Anisotropic Filtering

- Also in ATI Catalyst, make sure Overall graphic settings are set for "Performance", not Quality.

The next step is to enable console in counter-strike source. Everyone uses it, as it has commands to make the game run smoother and change little things like crosshair size, the look of the radar, and colours on your new scoreboard amongst a host of other features.

Here's how to enable console in counter-strike source:
1 ) Launch Counter-Strike: Source
2 ) In the main menu, click on &quot:options"
3 ) In the "Keyboard" section, click on "Advanced"
4 ) Check the box beside "Enable Developer's Console"

Now, at any time in counter-strike (weather in-game, or in the main menu) you can access the console by pressing the ~ key, which is to the left of the number 1 on the top left of your keyboard.

Before you try out some console commands, just go over your Video settings (in the main CS:S menu, click Options, then Video) real quick. Make sure:

- Anti-Aliasing is Disabled
- Anisotropic Filtering is Disabled
- HDR is off, not even bloom - turn it all off
- Motion Blur is Disabled
- Multicore is Enabled

Ok, try out the game, if it's still laggy n shit, then it's time to try a few console commands:

- cl_diszbledfreecam 1
- cl_achievmentpopups 0

If you play on our server, you won't have to worry as we force good rates on players. However, if you're playing somewhere else, you may have to set the rates yourself. Good rates are:

- cl_cmdrate 66
- cl_updaterate 66
- rate 25000

Those should work fine wherever you play.

Lastly, I can offer this (sometimes) very helpful command. Since the last update, CS:S got a huge facelift with respect to threading and how processors handle it. Now you can actually use all 2 or 4 (or more) cores. You have a dual core, so let's try to use it.

In console:
- mat_queue_mode 2

The default value is -1, or 0 to be disabled completely. Don't panic if it doesn't improve/gets worse. Just put -1 or 0 back in there and you'll go back to normal.

That's about all I can think of without getting into your hardware. There's still a list of things you can do to help like:

- Defrag your game cache
- Verify the integrity of your game files

If we have to, we can get into that. Take care in these steps, and take your time. Good luck.