I am SO afraid they're ruining this game for the sake of console. Honest to God I'm slowly giving up on gaming as a whole. EA has obliterated PC gaming and I'm slowly playing more PS3 single-player / racing games. Tired of this bullshit. Start adding up costs like games, dlc's, expansion packs, some even have monthly fees etc. and all of a sudden games are $200+. I don't care how much I love gaming, I just can't do it anymore.
$15 is wicked, and I love Valve a lot, but if it's gonna be some shit console port with garbage mechanics (like source), then fuck it..
Well I'll be there no matter what, TD pub for life. I'm glad its priced well.
Truth. Only company that seems to one up their work every time is Bethseda with the Elder of the scrolls series. Everything else just disappoints at every turn, and has been since BF2 same out back in 2004.
How much was CS:S stand alone when HL2 came out? $30?
yeah i would guess it was $30 but that was expensive for a game when it came out.
I find if funny that they will be asking LESS for cs:go than CS:S shows me what they really think of the game.
Wrong. It doesn't show anything at all. Games nowaday doesn't need a big selling price to show its "quality". Valve is a big studio and they decided to go at this price to get a lot more people buying it. Also, DLCs will come, no worry for that. You will get your 30$ game.
Lower Price = More Purchases
Higher Prices = Less Purchases
Lower Prices = More Players = More Money for Valve Corp.
+1That's not really now it works..
For example EA bring's out a game at some stupid inflated price, just to milk over the stupid gamers (me included) with a $60+ tag then 2 months later (or less) you drop the price to $14.99...
You get to milk Stupid fucks for $60, then discount it and get all the cheap Fucks.
That's how you make money.
Valve wants people to play their games (and get off that 1.6 dinosaur) for years to come, hence the Price vs Product development.
EA wants money, hence the Price vs Product development.
the best thing about go? hl3 is around the corner now!!!!!
would have saved more by not buying it.
beta is complete junk can't imagine paying for that game