CS:GO CSS Server


TD Member
We have this CS:GO maps server in CS:S.. that I myself have never seen a single person in....
Would it be possible to take this sever, and turn it into something more fun, something that will actually get users to come to Darkly?
Surf? Minigames? AWP? Pistols?
Anything really. Just more interesting then what it is now...

Since the serer had been running... there have been a total of 5 players that actually enter the server to even acquire any points...


TD Member
Nooooooo. I Like the CH server :(
Guess Ill have to find someone else that offers that....

Are we going to be putting up any other servers in their place?

OG buckshot jr

TD Admin
How about a low-gravity scouts/knives, deagles/knives server???

I could EASILY IN 2 DAYS make a few cool maps for us to play on???



TD Admin | Bacon
aww :(

Ok do an AWP server then... don't we have a stock/cevo server where awps are allowed?

well, actually as long as we don't do special settings such as gg/surf/low grav we could(and should) do all these on one server

scout/knives, deag maps, ak/colt maps, awp maps, etc

unless there is also a mod that allows swapping server settings in between map automatically by map needs