TD Admin
In-Game Name: TD| SgT. DuCkY
Steam ID:STEAM_1:0:2710733
Any Previous Clan/Community Affiliations: TD and before none :)
Real First Name:Remi
Location:bathurst, New-brunswick
Which DARKLY CS:GO Servers Do You Play On:Toronto Darkly CS:GO | NO AWP/AUTO + FF ON | DARKLY | Toronto CS:GO Competitive |
Why do you want to be a DARKLY CS:GO Admin: well basicaly its for me a way to help community ive been playing on td server for a good amount of time and i love it people are friendly and if i can help to keep it this way to help managing server to be peacefull and fun to play for everyone im up for it!! hope i can help you guys and gals :)
Do you have a working mic? Yes
How often do you play CS:GO? practically every day mostly at night and early morning (until approx 2 or 3 am ast)
Do you mostly play during the afternoon, evening, or late night? mostly night and late night sometime in afternoon
Steam ID:STEAM_1:0:2710733
Any Previous Clan/Community Affiliations: TD and before none :)
Real First Name:Remi
Location:bathurst, New-brunswick
Which DARKLY CS:GO Servers Do You Play On:Toronto Darkly CS:GO | NO AWP/AUTO + FF ON | DARKLY | Toronto CS:GO Competitive |
Why do you want to be a DARKLY CS:GO Admin: well basicaly its for me a way to help community ive been playing on td server for a good amount of time and i love it people are friendly and if i can help to keep it this way to help managing server to be peacefull and fun to play for everyone im up for it!! hope i can help you guys and gals :)
Do you have a working mic? Yes
How often do you play CS:GO? practically every day mostly at night and early morning (until approx 2 or 3 am ast)
Do you mostly play during the afternoon, evening, or late night? mostly night and late night sometime in afternoon