Dr. Zoidberg
TD Admin
In-Game Name: Dr. Zoidberg
Steam ID: blunttastic420
Any Previous Clan/Community Affiliations: WTF
Real First Name: Greg
Age: 23
Location: Lindsay, Ontario
Which DARKLY CS:GO Servers Do You Play On: Toronto Darkly CS:GO | NO AWP/AUTO + FF ON | darkly.ca (or any with players currently in the server)
Why do you want to be a DARKLY CS:GO Admin: i would like to be an admin to help regulate racist/un-called for bullying and to help darkly be a player friendly server.
also to help remove cheaters/hackers/players who do not do objectives/TKers.
and usually when i play there are no admins present to help with these issues.
i would mustly just like to keep darkly a friendly place for all players to come and improve their gaming abilities.
Do you have a working mic? yes
How often do you play CS:GO? as much as i can. (3-4 days a week, sometimes more, depending on work)
Do you mostly play during the afternoon, evening, or late night? i usually play the most in the evening on weekdays, and in the morning/afternoon on weekends.
Thank you for reviewing my application.
Steam ID: blunttastic420
Any Previous Clan/Community Affiliations: WTF
Real First Name: Greg
Age: 23
Location: Lindsay, Ontario
Which DARKLY CS:GO Servers Do You Play On: Toronto Darkly CS:GO | NO AWP/AUTO + FF ON | darkly.ca (or any with players currently in the server)
Why do you want to be a DARKLY CS:GO Admin: i would like to be an admin to help regulate racist/un-called for bullying and to help darkly be a player friendly server.
also to help remove cheaters/hackers/players who do not do objectives/TKers.
and usually when i play there are no admins present to help with these issues.
i would mustly just like to keep darkly a friendly place for all players to come and improve their gaming abilities.
Do you have a working mic? yes
How often do you play CS:GO? as much as i can. (3-4 days a week, sometimes more, depending on work)
Do you mostly play during the afternoon, evening, or late night? i usually play the most in the evening on weekdays, and in the morning/afternoon on weekends.
Thank you for reviewing my application.