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CRTC Petition


Staff member

This is very important for all Canadian citizens to sign.
Big Telecom companies are obviously trying to gouge consumers, control the Internet market, and ensure that consumers continue to subscribe to their television services.

Since most of us here don't have Cable and like to stream/download and play games, your bills will be huge if this becomes reality.

Thank you.

dead mike

TD Member, Legend, Puncher of Faces, Chatbox King
signed and trolled somebody to donate a 100 bucks, feeels good man

OG buckshot jr

TD Admin
Signed and sent, thanks Cock!

@ DM, what you mean trolled someone for $100, what did you do? EDIT: DERP, nevermind DM, I figured it out lol


I'm New Here
Yeah I signed that quite a few weeks ago and glad that this didn't get passed but still not good enough for just a delay...


TD Admin, Chicken Licker, Top Shelf Sleeper

those motherfuckers. +1 to CoF for defending the internets !

defend the internets with your life, its the last freedom !

too bad some fag is gonna get payed off like 500k and at that point our letter dont matter.
yeah unfortunately for all the citizens this is a for-profit country so unless you're gonna pony up the funds to REALLY dig in and fight it out nothing is going to happen in our favour. ever.


TD Admin
should we be contacting our MPs as well? shit is so wrong. perfect time for them to pass this without most Canadians even knowing what is happening since everyone is more concerned with oil and all the uprisings in the east.

EDIT: for those of you who haven't written an MP before, here is a site with a list of each MP and their constituencies. click on the name, find their e-mail, and just send them a polite letter telling them what you think of this bullshit.



TD Admin
news: [link=http://openmedia.ca/news/bell-backs-down-internet-becomes-election-issue]http://openmedia.ca/news/bell-backs-down-internet-becomes-election-issue[/link]