3000 @ 1920 x 1080 (by the way, I'm lol'ing at you almost-HD 1650 bitches lol, got scammed by a sale price eh? haha)
Custom crosshair = illegal
Black, thick crosshair = nice, but illegal
In console:
bind i "cl_crosshairscale 3000"
Monitor Gamma
bind f6 "mat_monitorgamma 2.4"
bind f7 "mat_monitorgamma 1.9"
bind f8 "mat_monitorgamma "1"
- lower number is brighter
-> Works great going from something like Train to D2 so I can always (well, mostly, whatever) see while not getting blinded on maps like D2.
EDIT: NOTE: - the mat_monitorgamma command is 100% legal, and it only turns up/down the "brightness" from the esc->options->video control panel. It's just a nice way of doing it without having to go through the menus and game as your adjusting shit.