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Counterstrike problem

Hey guys I'm just wondering if you could help me with a problem. I went on my computer yesterday night and since then my css has been uber laggy. Like I cant refresh my server list that's how bad it is. Ive defragged, alt tabbed, restarted, reinstalled like everything and still it wont work at all. Its not my comp cause i can still play bc2 and war craft frozen throne and other such games completely fine. So if any of you peops had the same prob or know any advice to give me i would appreciate it.
There was a recent update to CS:S that included various engine updates. What you're witnessing are glitches/bugs on both the client and server side of things. There's a thread about the update around here if you're interested in what others are/aren't experiencing.
So basically im fucked?
not necessarily, I'm sure they'll be releasing more updates and fixes in the next few weeks/months. The more issues people report there's a better chance of getting them fixed soon.
I cant seem to connect to CS:S anymore. Everytime i try, i have to restart my modem and router cuz my internet connection gets lost.....wtf. I can browse the net and shit just fine, but cant do anything steam related. Any ideas?
this shit is so gay...now its saying that steam is doing some shit the the steam cloud servers....i dont know what any of this mumbo jumbo is. But i still cant play CS:S