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Counter-Strike Tips

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TD Admin
Know your weapons
Know your weapons strength, weaknesses, and most of all how much ammo is in it.You should always be using the right weapon for the right scenario. For example you wouldn’t want to go into close quarters combat with a sniper rifle. So, you should switch to your pistols. Vice versa once you made it out of a close quarter’s area and your out in a wide open space switch back to your sniper rifle. Also make sure your backup weapons are loaded and they are binded in case you need to quickly switch back to them.

Never Spray and Pray’ (Accuracy will keep you alive)
One of the most common mistakes that newbie’s will make is holding down the fire button. Holding down the fire button with automatic weapons will greatly reduce the player’s accuracy. In fact if they hold down the button too long they will hit anything but their target. Usually firing one to three rounds at a time is best.

Stay with your teammates
Never try to go off and play Rambo. Stay with friends and use team work to take out the enemy and stay alive.

Use your Radar
Radar is perhaps the most blown off or unused tool in Counter Strike. Radar is essential and there is no excuse for opening up on your teammates and friendly fire deaths. Radar- Is the green circle icon on your screen that helps you know your location and your surroundings.

Here are five important icons to remember
-A red dot represents the VIP (Only seen by CT’s on as_maps/bomb carrier is only seen by the T’s on de_maps
-A T shape represents a teammate a level above you.
-An upside down T shape represents a Team member a level below you.
-A yellow square represents a Teammate using the Radio

Use communication
To use any strategies or tactics you will need to communicate. you should bind essential radio commands that will help you communicate with your teammates.
You can also get a decent mic and talk to your teammates.Just make sure all talk is not on obviously.

Use a M4 or usp with a silencer
Use a silenced weapon so you won’t give away your location. If you are a T this is even better; because the CT’s will not expect a sneaky T with a silenced M4a that he has acquired. Also it’s optimal to take out the enemy and not give away your exact location to the enemies.

Step Silent
Use the side of walls to walk along to slow your speed slightly and silence your steps.Even better you can crouch and use the walk key to slow and silence your steps.

Going up and down ladders
You can actually crouch while going down a ladder; and guess what you will make no noise at all. Going up or down a ladder you should walk into the wall while on the ladder. Make sure you only to move your mouse a tiny bit to ensure you go up or down. This way you can stay silent.

You can use stealth and still be offensive
You should practice stalking enemies by using your radar, listen for footsteps, all while keeping quiet and hidden yourself. Coming up on an unaware enemy at close range is an easy kill. Stay in inconspicuous low lighted areas of the map. There is nothing wrong with hiding if you are low on health.

Know your location and surroundings
Know where you are, your teammates, and where enemies are likely to be. You should always take a quick check to how many players are still alive too. Plus if you see that a member on your team just died and you know he was in a location ahead of you. You know that the enemy is in that location now. Keeping the enemy guessing where you are at is crucial. Keep quiet and be prepared. If the enemy knows your location after a firefight you should move out of that area. If you have been spotted or it is too late keep your self moving in a way that you are unlikely to be hit by the enemy. Use quick strafing techniques while you take shots at the enemy.Popular techniques to make your self a hard target include the following. Strafe and zigzag towards your enemy to take him out.Do it quickly so other teammates do not come to assist him or get to your location in time to help him. Jump up and down to avoid being shot in the head. Players are used to changing their aim more horizontally than a drastic vertical change. Note: you can only do this now and then for a short time when you cannot avoid taking fire from the enemy. This is great if you have an AWP because jumping will not affect your aim. Lure the enemy into an ambush. Run towards your teammates and get in position to take out the enemy that is chasing after you. This is great if you have low health and ammo. Shoot then ambush: fire a few shots in the enemies’ general direction run back and take cover. While the enemy is searching for you take him out with a few shots. The great thing about this technique is the enemy is usually out in the open, they don’t know where you are, and you know exactly where they are at.

Out of game help
Setup your controls to optimize your game play.

Get the best hardware and tweak your settings, Sites like rage3d.com will give you knowledge and the know how to get the highest CPU speed and FPS in counterstrike strategy.

Practice, Practice, Practice. There is no substitute for practice. Players that get more out of practice our ones that learn techniques then slowly apply them in real live game play. Also players that succeed are ones that keep an open mind (even if they are very experienced) and learn from strategies and as well as mistakes. Many players will agree that being able to dominate in counter strike will defiantly make game play much more enjoyable. Have fun!

Good players know when to back off a potential kill (frag) and play it safe.
Avoid 2 or more enemies facing you especially if they see you.It is best to move backwards and slip away around a corner. Never turn around!
Use cover; if positioned correctly you can block approximately 50% of your body. Making you a hard target. You will be twice as likely to survive.
Don’t stand in any door ways. You should always move quickly through door ways.
Always periodically turn around in a quick manner. You should then quickly turn back and scan the area. This way you can see any enemies approaching you. So many deaths happen because the players do not scan their sides and behind them.
Use stealth since most players do not scan their blind spots they depend heavily on hearing footsteps.
Using the walk button you become silent and deadly. You can arm yourself with an M4 and put a silencer on it. You can also arm your pistol with a silencer on a USP pistol.
Take out an enemy or two and move out of that location. Take another path leave the enemy confused and guessing where you are. Very important this is mastered
Know your map well
Follow friends
Conserve ammo. If you can take out 3 enemies with 9 rounds you will live if you take out 3 with a full clip you will have to reload and the 4th enemy will kill you.
Do not reload within 5 seconds after a kill
Try to reload when friends are around.

Information by Counter-Strike.com


TD Member
Omission I hope youd dint type all that LOL

The only thing i need to know about CS is to kill LOL

Honestly, you should leave this to the maybe future TD cadets Sargeants LoL


TD Member
yeah thats a good advice though I've been killed countless times when i killed someone and reload and find out some guy was camping waiting for that reload sound LoL

Although this only hapens when i spray with the P90...

vinny paz

TD Admin
The radar is the most important part in my opinion. I'm looking at the radar 90% of the time, the only time I look away is if I suspect an enemy, or towards the end of the round when most of your teammates have been killed.


TD Admin
[quote1241709556=vinny paz]
The radar is the most important part in my opinion. I'm looking at the radar 90% of the time, the only time I look away is if I suspect an enemy, or towards the end of the round when most of your teammates have been killed.
Yeah, sometimes I think I look at the radar too much. But, I'm not sure how valid the differentiation between an enemy above and below is. Can anyone confirm that? I don't recall ever seeing a difference.

vinny paz

TD Admin
No difference. They're either on the same level or not. Before this newer radar came along it was a triangle if they were above you and an upside-down triangle if they were below.


TD Member
well this radar is better anyways you can see if a guy is above you or below by the size of the circle LOL


TD Admin
The radar will show a faded dot that is smaller or larger depending if they are above you or below you. I am not sure if smaller = above and if larger = below or vice versa. If the teammate/enemy is on your level you will see a dot that is the normal colour without fading.


TD Admin
Don't use radar guys. It's a fucking scam. It's always wrong. Just keep pushing forward and don't look behind you. Nobody in their right mind would try to flank alone with a knife...
I agree with Narf! The Radar is for wimps! I just chuck 'nades into the crowd, fire at anything that moves, and then just accept the TK punishment with excessive whining and bitching. It works for me!

Fork Included

TD Admin
radar is the difference between being good, and being called a hacker all the time.

You dont even need to communicate if everyone just keeps tabs on their radar, you see what your team sees!


TD Admin, Chicken Licker, Top Shelf Sleeper
Use hacks, they make the game much easier
...and then get VAC banned and labeled a hacker FOREVER.
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