Computer Q


Professional Cocksucker
Alright so, i opened up windows task manager, went to the performance tab and under Physical Memory (MB) it shows this:

Total 4062
Cached 2430
Free 324

At the bottom it says Physical Memory at 44%.

This is on a laptop, windows vista home edition 64bit.

Is it supposed to be like this or ...?


TD Admin
look in windows task manager and see how many processes is running. and go through the list and see which task is unknown to you.

even my laptop eat up maybe 1.5gb of memory with all those bloatware install with the laptop, and yours is like eating up 3.7gb ish, something is not right.

OG buckshot jr

TD Admin
EDIT: Before you read anything below, open task manager and look under "Processes". Click "Memory" to organize shit from largest to smallest. Anything stand out? If you've got one of two things eating a fuckload of memory, it could be just one program or two. If it is, it'll help you narrow down the prolem.

Free is supposed to be under 500MB, cached and total look good.

Physical memory at 44% of what? Total ram is 4GB? If so, 44% is too high. You've got to go through and delete some programs you don't use. Either that or set them so they don't start unless you want them to.

To do this:

1 ) Enable "Run" -> Right-click start-bar, then Customize. In there, enable the "Run" Command.

2 ) Click Start-> Run. Type "Services.msc", hit enter.

3 ) Go through the list, read what each one is, and those that say "Automatic" or "Automatic(Delayed)", change to "Manual". What this will do is not run them until you summon the program that uses the service in question.

****Be VERY careful. Each service is dependant on another service, or has other services dependant upon itself (the service in question). Before double-clicking the service to change it to "Manual", click the last tab on the right called "Dependancies" and make sure nothing is dependant on it. If there IS a service dependant on it, do not change it to "Manual" unless you're prepared to change the other service and any others linked to it as well.

This CAN fuck shit, but if you're careful, you can really open up your computer's potential.


Professional Cocksucker
I remember doing this before but I think somethng mustve messed up because there are a bunch of things I know for a fact I disabled. I might just go ahead and install windows 7 since apparently vista is bloated and shit.


TD Admin
You may also want to try looking under

then go to the Startup and find shit that doesn't belong.


Professional Cocksucker
You may also want to try looking under

then go to the Startup and find shit that doesn't belong.
Yah I did that after I reformatted. I dunno I'll see if it changes over the next couple of days and if it doesn't it'll just give me an excuse to install windows 7.


TD Member
Alright so, i opened up windows task manager, went to the performance tab and under Physical Memory (MB) it shows this:

Total 4062
Cached 2430
Free 324

At the bottom it says Physical Memory at 44%.

This is on a laptop, windows vista home edition 64bit.


Is it supposed to be like this or ...?


TD Member
[quote1276234494=OG buckshot jr]

0> ) Click Start-> Run. Type "", hit enter.



I know i have unfairly gay bashed on mac and osx. i want to make my decision on a fair trial of the os and it's new found capability. but in all fairness i WILL NOT BUY A MAC when i can install it on a pc.

This question is aimed at Cock/bj, or any other mac hackers.

i have been trying to duel boot install ideneb 10.5.5 on my dv6233se. nvidia chipset/graphics- amd 2x64 1.6 . Anyway, i go thru the installation process and it says install complete- restart required. then it restarts and it will not boot. i have tried all the terminal boot commands and other config options , scoured google for a thread of my prob but can't get it right . i am like a week on this fucking project and really would like to give osx a fair shake. i have read countless stories of peeps doing this on the very same machine as i have. but i'll be damned if i can get it working. if i can't get a answer here i'm gonna scrub this mission. :(

PS... I will even take sj's advice if he can help. lewl-=-D

OG buckshot jr

TD Admin
Alright, I don't quite understand the quote you took of me, as that pertained to Windows and Shortbus' related question.

However, if you're trying to 'Mac' to your laptop, I strongly suggest you drop the iDeneb, and go for "iAtkos V7". You can "find" it at the usual "spots".

Boot it up, check the drivers you need, along with the SMBIOS, disabler.kext, OHR, RemoveMYCE, and a bunch of other options, there's guides out there... You should be good to go.

One thing to note: Once you're successful, do not let Mac OSX Update itself as you'll have to re-crack it, and there's no guarentee on that. Programs, however, can be updated safely (i.e. Quicktime, iTunes, etc).


Staff member
How did you format the harddrive? Could be a simple case of proper formatting


TD Member
bj= the quote was simple jackassery , my usual reworking of peoples words. and i will give it a shot with the atikos.

Cock= i have done everything to the word as i have read it on sooo many threads and forums.

apple format journaled. all the right drivers and shit are checked, first i got the ol' boot 0 error .. then i corrected that via terminal. then i got more boot error. it seems like it is just not booting correctly, even tho i have set the boot order to the correct specs in the terminal. and i am fed up, i have dled kalyway and will try atikos but the community makes it clear thaT it will work but the lack of people following up with the correct info is not there. i do appreciate the interest in trying to help me tho guys. :)

OG buckshot jr

TD Admin
The boot 0 error might very well be related to what type of Sata/IDE controller your computer/laptop is using. In most cases, SATA is controlled as IDE. In some other cases, it could be configured as RAID or ACHI. Apple, if I'm not mistaken, uses ACHI natively. However, your driver could use IDE. I don't think I've seen RAID work on a hackintosh, not commonly anyway.

Check BIOS, make sure it's set to IDE, and then make sure your drivers (from the hackintosh disk you're using) are fit for it.

If the disk says "Intel Sata ACHI", make sure BIOS is set to it.

Quick note: I've fucked Windows by switching from the original, because on initial install, Windows detects and loads a driver. So try not to switch BIOS controller unless you plan to reinstall Windows.


TD Member
The funny part about what you say about the bios is... my bios are so dumbed down it has no options that are useful .

actually the boot 0 error is repairable via terminal / diskutil list/ fdisk..... and so on .

i am dling iatkos7 and i am currently trying kalyway. hopefully this works out, so i can hate computers a little less. ;)

OG buckshot jr

TD Admin
Hope it works out for you. So far with iAtkos, I've successfully 'Maced':
- my pc Q6600 yadda yadda full function
- my laptop (HP Pavilion dv9774ca)
- my cousin SonDooby's i7 yadda yadda full function
- my buddy's girlfriend's LG core2duo yadda yadda laptop

100% success rate, I'm very satisfied with the versatility and stability of the install, granted you select the right packages and know what you're doing.

Post any questions you have about packages along with your specs and I'll help (I only have experience with iAtkos). Good luck!


TD Member
Ok, i tryed iatkos7 and got a legit boot up. unfortunately my keyboard was not working so i couldn't type anything in the welcome screens. F UUUUUU, you know what they say--- 300th time is a charm.


TD Member
OK, so like i said i got it to boot 1 time. then i got a kernel panic and keep getting this error msg.

system config file ' /com.appl.boot.S/Library/Preferences/Systemconfiguration/'

this is the problem i have hadf the whole time. with all 3 different distos.

OG buckshot jr

TD Admin
This means you haven't selected the proper drivers somewhere in the list. If your keyboard wouldn't work, that means it's PS/2, and not USB (or vice-versa). Make sure you select the USBFamily fix, and try selecting Voodoo PS/2 driver. Only select one driver for each component (I know, call me mother, but I gotta say it lol).


TD Member
Suckccess.... Bj that's a bullet proof distro. However in order for everything to work properly and boot properly i had to dl Gparted. after running that it booted right up.

then i rebooted and it's a little buggy. sometimes it hangs. but at least i get the chameleon boot screen.