Comp Night


Death by Darkly
We're doing it. Some night, we're going to reserve a server and play 6v6 TF2 with each other. No real skill required.

If you're interested, please copy/paste the following and post it in this thread. If we get enough people signed up and the times work out, I'll post an announcement with a date and stuff. The hope is to do it in the next week or two, but if necessary another time.

A few notes: You may be needed as a class you don't prefer. The available classes are Scout, Soldier, Demo, and Medic, but keep in mind you can off-class (we don't give a shit).


Class(es) of Preference:
Timezone (GMT +/-):
General times that work best (in GMT):
Days in the next two weeks you're available:


Retired Scrub
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:44523303
Class(es) of Preference: Scout
Timezone (GMT +/-): GMT -7
General times that work best (in GMT): 2pm to 4pm
Days in the next two weeks you're available: Can't do Saturdays, Sundays, or Tuesdays. Otherwise, it really just depends.


TD Admin
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:63229145
Class(es) of Preference: Whatever is needed
Timezone (GMT +/-): GMT - 5
General times that work best (in GMT): Whatever time on Fridays
Days in the next two weeks you're available: Friday, March 15; Friday, March 22 and Friday, March 29


DARKLY Regular
Class(es) of Preference: Soldier
Timezone (GMT +/-): GMT -5
General times that work best (in GMT): 6:00 PM - Midnight GMT
Days in the next two weeks you're available: The whole March break, and 16:00-17:30 EST the following week


Senior TF2 Admin
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:42947803
Class(es) of Preference: Medic, Solly
Timezone (GMT +/-): GMT - 5
General times that work best (in GMT): 6 - 9:30 P.M.
Days in the next two weeks you're available: All weekends, Perhaps a few unseen weekdays.


DARKLY Regular
Yours is GMT-5


DARKLY Regular
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:43394981
Class(es) of Preference: anything but demo
Timezone (GMT +/-): -8(PST)
General times that work best (in GMT): All hours 0 to 0 (24 hours a day baby!(Yeah I can last that long.)
Days in the next two weeks you're available: all 14 days baby (yes I can last that long as well)


TF2 Staff
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:43052731
Class(es) of Preference: Soldier, Heavy, Sniper.
Timezone (GMT +/-): Central Standard, I dont know what it is compared to GMT.
General times that work best (in GMT): Anytime time of the day.
Days in the next two weeks you're available: Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. Weekend days.


DARKLY Regular
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:43052731
Class(es) of Preference: Soldier, Heavy, Sniper.
Timezone (GMT +/-): Central Standard, I dont know what it is compared to GMT.
General times that work best (in GMT): Anytime time of the day.
Days in the next two weeks you're available: Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. Weekend days.
After Richard helped me with mine, I searched up what is my GMT. He was correct. I used

DARKLY | Pixar's Ham

DARKLY Regular
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:35933167
Class(es) of Preference: Soulja Boy ( Soldier )
Timezone (GMT +/-): Eastern Time Zone
General times that work best (in GMT): Any time of the day.
Days in the next two weeks you're available: Saturday, Sunday


SteamID: numbers and stuff
Class(es) of Preference:scout, solly, maybe demo. If we ever do hl then roamer
Timezone (GMT +/-): est
General times that work best (in GMT): 4ish
Days in the next two weeks you're available: next week whenever. March break. Probably any day if I dont havw much homework


SteamID: STEAM_0:0:37195812
Class(es) of Preference: Solder/ Scout. Maybe demo if we really need one
Timezone (GMT +/-): GMT -5
General times that work best (in GMT): 4ish-8ish
Days in the next two weeks you're available: March Break this week so whenever. And next week around 4-8

DARKLY | Pixar's Ham

DARKLY Regular
SteamID: numbers and stuff
Class(es) of Preference:scout, solly, maybe demo. If we ever do hl then roamer
Timezone (GMT +/-): est
General times that work best (in GMT): 4ish
Days in the next two weeks you're available: next week whenever. March break. Probably any day if I dont havw much homework
WILL EDIT LATER im on mobile-

SteamID: Numbers and stuff....

I laughed too hard.

Khârn the Betrayer

DARKLY Regular
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:33532035
Class(es) of Preference: Derp Pyro, bottling demo, and I guess terrible medic if everyone else is too afraid.
Timezone (GMT +/-): +1 says google
General times that work best (in GMT): Any. It mostly depends when I'm actually awake and not sleeping for 14 hours.
Days in the next two weeks you're available: ^

Honestly haven't pubbed at all since I started playing on Darkly so i'm more than rusty, sounds like it'll be good fun though. Could always play sniper too if I can stand in spawn.


Oya I have that PUB GROUP THING group that apperently a bunch of people have joined. Ill make an event or something to get more people


TD Admin / Wanker
ITT - Americans/Canadians being confused by GMT and one sole British person judging them all heavily for it.