Comp Night


Senior TF2 Admin
6's is a form of comp that always has a medic, demo and solly/heavy (depending on map/oppostion). Often times there is at least one scout on the team as well. The rest are known as roamers and vary depending on the situation. Idk if there's supposed to be any further detail, so I'll leave it at that. :P

Khârn the Betrayer

DARKLY Regular
Sorry for the short notice, everyone.

We're going to shoot for this Sunday (the 23rd) evening - Please post what times from 4pm to Midnight EST (GMT -5) you're available on Sunday. Once I have an official tally of who can make it and who can't, I'll post teams, classes, and maps. If we end up with too little people and can't find any backups, we'll just turn it into Darkly Pub Night and advertise it on the servers.

The only part you're needed for is the actual 6v6 games which you can expect to last at least an hour. Since it's relatively casual and we all know each other, maps/teams/times/etc can be tweaked on the spot as we see fit. I would like to try and do one 6v6 game (shouldn't last long) with open mic and see what kind of hell that makes. Post your general skill level; teams will be mostly random, but there are some skill disparities and I want to make sure the initial teams aren't unbalanced. Also post your familiarity with 6v6.

Please have Mumble installed on your computer and your mics working before the match. And don't post all your bullcrap yet. If you're completely new to 6v6, do a little research if you have some time to waste.

Time isn't really an issue for me, so just whatever's good for everyone else.

Lol general skill level, errrrrrrrrm, pretty average pubby really. I like playing pyro and hanging around engies or the medic and his/her pocket. Watched a bit of 6v6 on youtube, think I've got the gist of it from what 14 said too.


Retired Scrub
Family is in town, so I probably won't be available the whole time, but I should be available for a decent chunk of it. I can't give any more specifics than that unfortunately.

I've heard of 6v6 and watched some of it, but I've never actually participated in it.

Skill level overall: C+
Best class: Scout
Competent: Soldier, Demo, Pyro, Sniper, Spy with no pyros around
Hopeless: Medic, Heavy, Engineer, Spy with Pyros around

Mumble shouldn't be an issue, but again, kinda depends on family plans.


Skill: decent. Bunch of tf2lobby and center
Time:3-8 30ish
Availibility: most likely free. If anything I might be a little late
Fav classes: solly, scout, sniper, demo


DARKLY Regular
I am gonna take it seriously. Seeing how you and Haze decimated me on #2, I gotta go full blast. Also, you made me go from Rank 200 to Rank 300. I am gonna get you back on Comp night.


DARKLY Regular
:extremepalm: I just got note that tomorrow is my grandma's birthday. Unfortunately, it starts at 16:00 and ends on 22:00 (What a coincidence..) So, I cannot make it to comp night, so I cannot get revenge on Kharn. :feelscry:


Death by Darkly
Final announcement:

We didn't get enough people; there weren't many signups to begin with, and some people won't be able to make it tomorrow. So here's the plan:

Tomorrow (Sunday), starting at 5pm EST, will be Darkly Pub Night. We'll start with the people who signed up for Comp and try-hard without the strict rules/seriousness of actual 6v6 comp. You're welcome to invite people. If/when that starts getting boring (and it hasn't already turned into a pub from us inviting people), then we'll open it up and advertise it on the servers.

TLDR: It'll start as a private try-hard pub among ourselves and we'll gradually invite people and/or advertise it on the servers. I'll post an announcement in our group specifying the IP address when it's, so look for the IP there when the time comes. Since we'll start out try-harding, we can go ahead and use 6v6 classes for the beginning.

For the players who are more experienced or have a better understanding of 6v6, I'd like 6 of us to go on a Lobby some time. Either we do well and win, or we suck, lose, and troll the other team in the process. Either result is good for us. I'll contact you privately about this.

Thanks for signing up, everyone!


Death by Darkly
Sorry for the late info - I woke up about 10 minutes ago.

Here's the server info - you can either copy/paste the address into the "Add a new favorite server" option, or just type "connect puttheaddresshere in console

Password: pootis