Combine two HD's?


TD Member
Dumb question, but is there a way on windows 7 to make two hard drives show up as a single drive? I have a 500gb internal, 250gb external, and im ordering a 1.5T internal.

If not are there any suggestions as to how I should perhaps split up my data?


TD Admin, Chicken Licker, Top Shelf Sleeper
something to do with partitions. im pretty sure u gonna have to format.

do raid 0 if u can, that will do it and give u crazy speed gains !


TD Member
hmm yeah raid 0 sounds sweet. how does it give u speed gains tho? seems like it would take longer since your files might be split into two drives? iv got like 6 free hd bays in my computer and a couple more plugs in my mobo. so i should be able to hook them both up np.

im gunna research how to do this raid 0 thing

OG buckshot jr

TD Admin
You can't combine them... They will always have to be seperate partitions. Each hard drive carries internal data (that can't be seen) such as info. tables (can't remember proper name for it) that tell the computer how much space it has, how much free etc., so it needs it's own designation.


TD Admin
Why do you want to combine them? There are some funky things you can do with storage. I know you can have a folder on one hard disk that actually points to a folder on another drive. Let me know what you're trying to accomplish and maybe someone will have an idea.

dead mike

TD Member, Legend, Puncher of Faces, Chatbox King
Concatenation is what i think your trying to do, maybe don't bother :), making partitions is pointless a lot of the time imo.

If it were me, put OS and programs on the fastest drive, make the whole thing C:, and whatever 7 also wants to put there...

Put your data (downloads) on the 1.5tb (D:), as well maybe backup your C: on a folder on the D:, and backup things you can't easily replace like personal pictures/documents on the USB from time to time, keep that away in a safe location.

just keep that shit backed up man, i use a program called Unison, easy to use after initial setup...

an u can make multiple drives not in raid show up as one fuck


TD Member
hmm interesting haha, yeha maybe like. windows and program files on my 500gb.

then everything else possible on my giant drive. I just dont want my program files folder to someday outgrow my 500gb drive someday.

OG buckshot jr

TD Admin
I wouldn't recommend it. To clear space there move shit out to your 1.5tb drive, and make shortcutd for it on your desktop. Than you can access everyhing the same while leving your desktop folder with only a few hundred kb's...


TD Admin, Chicken Licker, Top Shelf Sleeper
i have 2x 40gb drives, gonna get CoF to raid0 that shit and have even less space !!! yaaay ! , but it will be 1 drive, lalala !

Q: do u have to have identical HDDs to raid0 ? y cant 68 rAIDS ?


TD Admin
Yes the drives must be identical to RAID and depending on your raid configuration they may show up as one drive.


TD Member
hmm theres an idea auron. then il just use my two smaller drives for porn

Edit: did i say porn why would I say that? I mean movies, and pictures


TD Member
p.s. my shipment is almost here! last i checked its in Windsor

I ordered: two 2gb sticks of ram (SLI rdy DDR2), a 1.5tb hard drive, a razer gaming keyboard, and a razer headset. The thing im most excited for though is the headset and its out of stock =[


TD Member
Im getting the Carcharias. iv heard they are super comfy and have nice quality, and thats all im looking for in a headset. no bells and whistles, just pure gaming comfort for hours.

edit: My stuff came in today! Im very excite!