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Collections Whos collecting what?

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TD Member
I just wondered in this day and age what people are collecting? stamps? comic books? baseball cards?

In my case its complete Nes Games boxes and all. I have a good start on having some of the harder to find games.

Fork Included

TD Admin
my two main hobbies are cars, whereby i purchase upgrade parts and then install them, or replace them

and photography, where i would occasionally upgrade my gear

other than that, i dont have much stuff in my house, try to keep as little an inventory as possible.


TD Admin
Pens, fountain pens and photo cameras.
Photography is one of my biggest passions (since my nick name ... 35mm).
I collect shit tons of ebooks relevant to my interests... I have about 10 GBs of the muggafugs right now. One hell of a reference library in the works.


TD Admin
i collected swords when i was in high school...then i realized its more creepy then badass. i still have em and like em, but i dont think ill be buying anymore. MAybe i should get into knives or something. a bit less insane?


TD Admin, Chicken Licker, Top Shelf Sleeper
Girls bicycle seats !!!!!

Death wins this thread !!!



TD Admin / Rocker of City-Hair
I have a solid collection of SNES games. I have most of the RPGs from when I was a kid and my collection is worth a couple grand right now.


TD Admin
ive got coins, a couple daggers, a ton of old magic cards and some of the original pokemon cards. i stopped buying any of it a long time ago though.


TD Admin, Chicken Licker, Top Shelf Sleeper
ive got coins, a couple daggers, a ton of old magic cards and some of the original pokemon cards. i stopped buying any of it a long time ago though.
HAHAHAHA shut up, u still play magic and pokemon cards..
baaaaaaaaaaahahahaha pokemon, the laughter is overwhelming. its not ok for a male of ANY age to play pokemon.


TD Member
I have a solid collection of SNES games. I have most of the RPGs from when I was a kid and my collection is worth a couple grand right now.

I hear ya BIOP, I bet you have Chrono Trigger. IF its still in the wrapper, you better keep that shit under lock and key. seen em for around 1500 to 2000.
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