Collection of Addons


TD Member
Addon Installation instructions

First off when installing an Addon always do it manually, loaders are for faggots and can be cumshot full of keyloggers

the folder you want to move the files downloaded will be the folder

"\World of Warcraft\Interface\AddOns\"

once your addons are installed you can edit which ones you want to be enabled from your character screen

then if your addons has any setup process in game you will have to configure that, following the addons instructions

Also I would like to note that World of Warcraft does not need to have installed registry files, so it can run just from a copy pasted backup.

here's a link to a more detailed guide


TD Member
Some quest addons I find extremely useful

an update to the ever so popular quest helper
command /qh2

Turn in
This addon will auto accept and auto turn-in quests when you right click on the quest givers, perfect for limiting downtime.
command /tie

Countless times I have heard 47 moan about how large the default UI nameplates are, here's a great addon to find the target you want, while in the middle of shit.
command /tidyplates

Atlas Loot
Wonder what drops from where? this bitch will tell-ya
command /al or /atlasloot