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close call

.44 caliber

TD Admin
My girlfriend was in a serious car accident on the 401 between Kingston and Napanee yesterday. She got rear ended by a persons unknown who fled the scene. Her car ended upside down off the right side of the highway and managed to walk away from the whole thing. From the moment her mom called me, to the moment my girlfriend called me to tell she was ok, were the scariest 30 minutes of my entire life.

Its amazing how quickly your life can change. The next time any of you see someone you truly love, make sure you tell them. Give them a huge fucking hug.


TD Admin
Glad to hear shes OK, could have been much worse.
Hopefully they find the asshat that did it somehow.


TD Admin (and LiR)
That's crazy. Hopefully they find the fag that did it. Those roads around that area aren't too fun to drive on :/


TD Admin | Bacon
Thats terrible man. Glad she is alive and well! Let her know TD is thinking about her!


Staff member
Scary shit... there's tons of accidents on that stretch of the 401... I used to travel it every day.


TD Admin
I'm glad she's alright and I hope they catch that douchebag. I recently heard about an accident that happened in Diamond Bar, Cali. that killed 6 people with the suspect still alive, and my heart skipped a beat because I have family there. How is it that whenever I hear about a car accident, the perpetrator seems to live and/or get away while the victim ends up dead or seriously hurt?


TD Member
that sucks, you should get her dashcams for valentine's day, hook that shit up in the front and back and bring an epic lawsuit down on anyone who tries to pull that shit again