Cleansing Chicago #3


When you enter that server, its like getting smacked in the face by annoyance itself. Is hell in there. Absolute hell. Especially between the times when people get out of school till there bed time. After that, it's great. Having admin supervision doesn't help. Maybe a vote kick... Idk. Suggestions?
I've noticed this happening on Minecraft Trade.

I think we may need to implement either a vote system, or make more noticeable notices that people can report these issues and the main troublemakers by visiting the forums.


Senior TF2 Admin
Probably wouldn't work, but maybe if we changed the map for that server there'd be a lesser number of faggots.
Probably wouldn't work, but maybe if we changed the map for that server there'd be a lesser number of faggots.
I'm not sure on that one, we're offering a better alternative to the aids infested Minecraft servers some communities have.

I'm quite tempted to start removing traders for annoying the greater populace. Whiny, screechy voices on the microphone, making shit trade posts on the chat...


Death by Darkly
I've noticed this happening on Minecraft Trade.

I think we may need to implement either a vote system, or make more noticeable notices that people can report these issues and the main troublemakers by visiting the forums.

A vote system will work too well - they always get abused. The Minecraft servers are usually the only bad ones - if worse comes to worst we could just change maps - the Trade Park one has been taken nicely, and I found some other maps that could work well too.


I'm New Here
I agree with blitz, as I was on that server with him last night. There was micspam all over and two guys started arguing. Not sure if a votekick would be good or bad. Gatherix does make a good point, as I have seen some votekick systems being abused. But the micspam is getting a little out of hand on the minecraft servers


Senior TF2 Admin
There will be more of a presence there from here on out. Thank you for bringing it to our attention.


TD Admin
I'll be on that server also, I tend to switch between all servers and idle 10 to 15 min each. My admin is down though.


Senior TF2 Admin
Commands on Chicago 3 are wonky right now to begin with for some reason. I noticed it yesterday.


TD Admin / Wanker
Yeah, the Admin memu doesn't come up when typing sm_admin in console.
/admin and !admin in chat don't work.
+ There is a few things missing like !rocket etc

Gatherix :3


Senior TF2 Admin
I've been on Chicago #3 for three hours now. Kicked a few, muted a few, warned a few. In a bit, i may not be so nice. They don't learn.