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chinese medicine


TD Admin
Does chinese medicine work?
ive got an inflamed nerve in my neck which has caused partial paralysis in my left arm and further weakness in my right. doctors say theres no procedure to fix it other then that it will go away on its own in the next 18-24 months. ive already had to live with it for 2 months and i cant stand it anymore, i cant even work at my job which is a freaking fast food chain.
i dont want to have a gimpy arm for 2 years.


Staff member
my personal experiences have shown that it does shit all.

Yours may be different


TD Admin
Does chinese medicine work?
ive got an inflamed nerve in my neck which has caused partial paralysis in my left arm and further weakness in my right. doctors say theres no procedure to fix it other then that it will go away on its own in the next 18-24 months. ive already had to live with it for 2 months and i cant stand it anymore, i cant even work at my job which is a freaking fast food chain.
i dont want to have a gimpy arm for 2 years.

Let's face it, you're just worried that it's keeping you from fapping for the next year or so.

On a serious note, I don't think that Chinese medicine (ointments or ingested meds) would work, HOWEVER, I've heard good things about acupuncture and that holistic foot massage thing.

dead mike

TD Member, Legend, Puncher of Faces, Chatbox King
i would go see another doctor that works under OHIP to see about that inflamed nerve, maybe antibiotics or something, also try getting massage w/happy ending that might help.


TD Admin
anti-inflammatory and antibiotics were my breakfast, lunch, and dinner for the first month. It used to hurt so bad i couldn't sleep, dress myself, or drive.

Physiotherapy helped a great deal, but the problem was it could only help me with the pain, i gained no increased movement and anything she did for me was gone the next day.

After about a month the pain went away on its own and just sort of "plateau'd" so i stopped going to her because she costs $60 a session and Greenshield only pays for 20 sessions, i might need more sometime down the road.

Anyway, my good friend is a 2nd Dan blackbelt in Tae Kwon Do and can do realignments of auras and shit so im asking him to give that a try, i guess he can focus his chi into my neck where the nerve is which should "in thoery" unblock the flow of energy.

sounds like bullshit but being his friend hes allowed me to experience alot of this energy stuff, and its totally real.
(IDK about Auras tho)

the thing is, if this doesn't work is it worth giving anything else a try


its this stuff, not so intense, but this is the idea


TD Admin
If the western doctor say there's no cure, try a Chinese one, there's still hope, from what I know, is just that it's hard to find a good Chinese doctor in Canada, that use their medicine effectively.

Short case with my uncle, bad liver from drinking too much, western doctor told him the only cure is to discharge the liver, with some side effect after surgery, so he went to the Chinese doctor, after a few years on Chinese medication, his liver is good and functional again, after 20 years, he still go back to that doctor to do some check up. well that's that.


TD Member / Gay Gyoza
well i seize theres no hurt in asking, theres some tottally random chinese shit that works and western medicine has NO FUCKING CLUE why it does. go see what one of them say, if it works it works if not....i end up drinking boiled crikets and shit. homeopathy i hear works...not sure but try stuff out man, western medicine is retarded still


TD Admin
homeopathy doesnt make sense.
If you give me a drug vs. a diluted solution containing 1/1000th the amount of medicine of the drug = same results? yeah okay.


TD Member / Gay Gyoza
i dont know man, all i know is my boss keeps bitching about how good it is, never tried it but what the hell would it hurt u at this point?
take a few days and read up on the studies about chinese/alternative medicine online. there is TONS of data about that. then, make an educated decision of your own. i wouldn't go into it blind just for shits and giggles and i also wouldnt use a forum as your source for information. that's just me though - good luck dude.