Guest, if you wish to appeal your ban, please read these threads first:
READ ME DARKLY Ban Appeal Template + READ ME DARKLY Server Rules
Guest, Ban Appeal threads are for the player appealing and the banning Admin to respond to. All other posts will be removed at the Moderator's discretion.
I meant more like, thanks for not giving me the SID of a real player like they were doing in chat, but yeah I hate that console copy/paste shit if that's what you're talking about.
Oh, you were talking to OP. Didn't see the status dump part.
Still not getting what you're getting at. Are you saying it's the wrong guy?
Got ya. STEAM:1_0 is CS:GO AIDS. 0_0 and 1_0 don't matter for bans. Our stats always put 0_0.
Nah, man, doesn't matter. He did it from the panel and probably didn't wait for the server to check and kick/ban. Panel always checks TD last for some gay reason. If you don't wait for the "Player Found/Kicked" message the ban is recorded, but faggot isn't kicked.
Neither lol
I looked the guy's stats up on our database -> wrong SID.
As per: