lol leroy
Ok, Foxx, I have no idea where you are pulling your facts from. The LONGEST and HAPPIEST marriages are solely a result of being CHRISTIAN? I take your response and shit on it like I shit after a weekend of binge drinking.
How many Christians/Catholics/Denomination of Catholicism are there? How many of them are married? How many are DIVORCED? Divorce ratios in canada were 2.24 divorces for every 1 Marriage in 2003. In USA? 3.6 divorces for every 1 marriage in 2009. Are you telling me christian marriages never result in divorce? Check your head man, you're living in OZ.
Religion, whilie it plays it roles in peoples lives in a multitidue of ways, is NOT indicitive of how successful a relationship is. An EQUAL effort to maintain a balanced relationship is based upon the two individuals; not two individuals and god.
I've been dating my girl for almost 5 years now with many bumps along the way, but overall it has been genuinely smoothe. And you know what? We're both agnostic.
I agree with you on one thing Foxx, and that is two people with similar personalities will have a better chance at long-term success versus those who are polar opposites. If two people are really religious and into that, thats great. If two people are atheists and into that, thats great. Those two couples have EQUAL chance of being in a successful relationship. god, bibles, allah, kuran, abraham, whatever the fuck, doesn't have ANY bearing on you unless YOU let it have an impact on you.
Don't act like you're not trying to be an evangelist when you're throwing bibles in our faces.
And yes Foxx, I think you are young and still have a limited view of the world. Believe it or not, I was pushed into Christianity after my mom passed and tried for awhile to see what so many see.
I find a majority of ALL religious people (save for a very few pious and truly faithful individuals in their religions) are luke-warm religious practitioners. They can give all the religious advice in the world, yet they can't take their own advice. They live in hypocrisy then feel bad about it because they think some divine force is shaking their head and finger at them.
Humans are humans; and humans created religions, they created the stories, they created the lessons. God didn't write a book and drop it on the ground; a living breathing homo-sapien did.
And one more quip against you Foxx, and I mean this: Christiniaty is again, By NO MEANS (I stress this), any better than ANY religion out there. It is people in this world who blindly say "my gawd is better than your gawd" that causes WAR, VIOLENCE, GENOCIDE, MURDER, EXPLOITATION, SLAVERY, the list can go on. Christianity doesn't sit at the top of a golden ladder, and neither does being Buddhist, Islamic, Jewish, Taoist, or what have you.
The sooner you can comprehend, understand, and live with that; the sooner you will have other people's respect.