Can't seem to Register?


I'm New Here
hey darkly

recently I've been signing in with facebook to report some rule breakers.
(and have been quite happy with the results, thank you :D)

I figured id actually regester and maybe get a little more involved in this gaming comunity, but when I try to do so it tells me my email isn't valid.

anyone know whats goin on here?

Shotgun Jesus

TD Admin
Staff member
You all ready are registered if you're posting this :wink:

If your Facebook email is the same as the one you're entering to register (ji******, then it's not letting you because it's all ready in our system.

To login normally, just use your username (jamiebush), and the password. If you don't have a password setup because of Facebook: Go to Settings then to "Edit Email & Password". If that doesn't work, just let me know here. I'll change your password manually and email it to you. If you want to change your username, I can do that for you too.