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Canadian Economy Simplified


DARKLY Regular

Found this after I watched the Aussie one. I like this guy; he has a great way of discussing complex financial analysis in a way that you don't need a B.Com to understand. A little closer to home, but I couldn't edit the title of the last thread, so I made a new one. Enjoy.

Questions, comments, concerns?


DARKLY Regular
Great post, I like the way this guy organizes his points - even I can understand him!
Exactly. Most of the people who understand these things don't tell anyone because they are rich and want to stay that way.

If you want to learn more about the financial crisis and how it really works in a way you don't need a university degree to understand, I recommend the movies "Too Big to Fail" and "Margin Call"

Michael Moore made a movie called "Capitalism: A Love Story" but that fat, ignorant bastard is a mark for the American government, a liar and a cheat. It dumbs things down to the point of talking down to the viewer rather than taking the time to explain it in a way you can understand. All MM does is make a testicle of himself and look for people to cry to about it.

PS, the Aussie one has some SERIOUS lols in it. IE around the 30 minute mark, he starts talking about false promises that politicians make like "I'll call you in the morning, or I swear I won't cum in your mouth."

Way to relate it in a way that everyone can understand, Stefan. Well played! :p


DARKLY Regular
As someone who contracts for the government, I can tell you the next thing that Canada needs to do to hack away at our debt is to slash and burn the public service even more than they already have.

For all the rhetoric and complaints that the PS unions spout and the "But what about the children" sob stories people wear on their sleeve because they know, as Stefan mentions, that if they had to work in the public sector they would fail miserably, the bottom line is this:

Most civil servants DO FUCK ALL ALL DAY!

My former boss, on top of being a closet racist with anti-Islamic tendencies, which he wore on his sleeve during our hour and a half lunch one day with a moment of enlightenment that I will never forget, the verbatim of which was "If we stopped letting Muslims into this country.... no more terrorism." (I am still disgusted that I worked for anyone who is as ignorant as to not only believe this, but say as much out loud while at work for the federal government.) would go out for breakfast once a week on the taxpayers dime. He would go home early on most Fridays. Then, he would go to breakfast whenever anyone of his contractors missed their bus and was late. Then, he would go for breakfast if he was there before anyone else. All told, for his 37.5 hour work week, I'm pretty sure he sat on his ass doing nothing but checking hockey scores and trying to find politically correct ways to espouse his anti-Muslim sentiments for about 17.5 hours a week.

Oh, and did I mention the frequent oogling of the Sunshine girls. When we had to change locations and walk through downtown Ottawa, he would gawk at girls walking by shamelessly, staring long and hard, and making lewd comments before they even got out of earshot. At one point, I had to tell him "Dude, you're embarrassing me. I know we all look, but on a Friday night, I'm gonna be in a bar trying to fuck that girl and I don't want to be guilty by association."

In our shop, even when I took my sweet ass time and did most of the work that there was to be done (because everyone else couldn't seem to manage to do our job without fucking something up, or the would take one tiny little duty and milk the shit out of it to kill time) I still had at least 2 hours of downtime a day. And how did they respond to all of this, given we had a 5 man team and each week, we spent a minimum of 100 man hours doing a whole lot of nothing?


By my calculations, those 5 contractors, who did absolutely nothing but wait around to be assigned work that wasn't coming any time soon, cost the government ROUGHLY $200,000 / year. However, no one would DARE say "We don't need these people" because if they say so then, God forbid, they would lose $1 million off their budget and it would be next to impossible to get it back. So, after a while, i was asked to train them to do my job, which I did, but for whatever reason, they couldn't seem to do it without messing it all up, which gave my boss more work to do, meaning it was left to me to do all the work, which was fine by me because as long as I am kept busy and productive, then my chances of getting the axe are slimmer.

Now, they ARE moving in the right direction because they ARE eliminating AKA Surplussing more positions and getting their existing staff to *gasp* do some ACTUAL work (God forbid), but as they mention in this video, as much as this is INCREDIBLY good for the economy because you actually get PRODUCTIVITY out of people, all those jilted former employees will cry about how cruel the government is, and then they air ALL the dirty laundry they know about (and trust me, there is an ENDLESS pile of dirty little secrets in the Public Service that NO ONE wants to come out because they don't want to deal with the shit storm that will follow) and they don't vote for the people who killed their jobs (altough Harper is a genius at Jedi Mind Tricking people into voting for him despite being directly opposed to their own interests.

So, as Stefan clearly mentions, most politicians buy votes from public servants by giving them a cushy gig. The Unions love it because they get rich off it with all the labour negotiations and saber rattling. The poor don't vote, so the tiny shit that politicians WOULD give about them disappears because why would a politician risk losing votes by siding with ANYONE who isn't going to vote for him or anyone else for that matter? It's a vicious circle, but, despite my MORAL objections to a lot of Stephen Harper's policies, the more I educate myself on the details of the subject matter and look at what Harper IS doing with his government, I realize that he is making a lot of the tough decisions that need to be made to reduce our deficit and create more opportunities or our country to compete in foreign markets.

Even though I voted NDP last election, the NDP have this naive and ridiculous idea that trade is a bad thing. "By Canadians for Canadians!" is there motto. That's all well and good on the surface, but there is a caveat to that ideology that they forget to mention. If we close our doors to trade, then get used to a $120 pair of jeans. Lots of people would LOVE to buy local, eat organic and support Canadian enterprise..... but unfortunately, no one can afford it. Especially after we do the slash and burn we need to do to trim off the fat and get some decent returns on the tax payers dollar.

I dunno about you, but I sure as shit don't like paying the ridiculous tax that I pay so that my lazy, racist old boss can eat at Don Cherry's three times a week on my dime and go off about "Pa-kis" (I fuckin hate that word) and Muslims (Who work the jobs that he and his kids are too privileged to work, and pay the same tax he does despite having a superior education that isn't recognized by our government when they immigrate.) The thing that people forget about immigrants is that they bring a work ethic and ingenuity to our country that our generations tend to lack. They don't aspire to have the cushy "Thumb-up-their-ass" government job where they do nothing all day.

They aspire to live in a country where the military won't show up and rape their 7 year old daughter in the middle of the night and force their 10 year old son to join the military and do the same. They start their own businesses, cooking and delivering the pizza we all get fat off of when we watch hockey and opening our minds and taste buds to new treats like Shawarma, Donair, Butter Chicken and Baklava. When most native Canadians start their own business, they fail miserably because they are either naive or unwilling to put the work and effort into it that is required to make it work. (That's not to say that ALL Canadians are like this, but when is the last time you saw a "Mom and Pop" shop that was opened by a 30 year old born-and-raised Canadian that offered a quality product at a competitive price that consistently earned your business on merit? The only Canadian I know of that do that are strippers and models, sad to say.)

And the ironic thing is, the reason they succeed is because, in their country, they got the same education that Stefan Molyneux got himself. They UNDERSTAND the difference between a Consumer Good and an Investment Good. They UNDERSTAND the opportunity cost of wasting all their money on a big house in a nice neighbourhood and a brand new ride is that they won't be able to invest in their own business which will provide them with financial independence (and independence from being a slave to a boss who resents them by virtue of their ethnic background and treats them like half a human being as a result), an opportunity to prosper by virtue of their own hard work and ingenuity, and in an ideal situation, something they can leave behind to their children so that they have the option of being masters of their own destiny, just like they are.

It's not complicated. The numbers speak for themselves. More immigrants are willing to take the risk and start their own businesses and make the sacrifices necessary to make them successful than "born and raised" Canadians are. We all dream of the free ride that our parents and our culture promises is with its lies and its half-truths, and when we find out its not there, rather than accept that we didn't GET the sweet job because we were C- students because we dranka nd smoked our way through University rather than getting the grades we needed to get ahead, and we are being crushed by monstrous debts we incurred when we got duped into paying out our ass for an education under the misguided notion that a magic piece of paper would be our ticket to Easy Street, instead of blaming ourselves, we point fingers.

We blame the government. We blame immigrants. We blame schools and nurses banks and religion and political parties when the bottom line is that we are all architects of our own destiny.

If you (the royal YOU, as in anyone who identifies with this statement) find your life is not to your liking, then get off your ass and DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!

Tomorrow is promised to no one. Seize the day, but don't be fooled by the illusions and the mythology of our culture and our society. Your citizenship DOES NOT guarantee you a job or a livelihood. Your education DOES NOT guarantee you a job or a livelihood. Your Gender, Race, Ethnic Identity or Religion DOES NOT GUARANTEE YOU A DAMN THING!

Only guarantee in this life is death, my man, and if you want a guarantee, then tie a noose and ride it to your end, cuz that's the ONLY guarantee in this world that you can bank on.

In the world we live in, it's the law of the jungle, survival of the fittest. Natural selection by competition, and the day you rest on your laurels and cease to compete is the day you make yourself a target for extinction, because in order for me to eat, I gotta eat someone else's dinner, and if that someone is you, then no hard feelings chum, but you get what you earn in this life, whether you like it or not.

It's a harsh reality and a rude awakening that is pretty bleak if you are just realizing that most of what you were taught and told as a youth was a steaming pile of bullshit, but the sooner you get over it and put your shoulder to the grindstone, the sooner you're gonna carve a little piece of the shit pie that is our future off for yourself. It might not be tasty, but it's better than nothing. You can eat all the imaginary Pumpkin Pie in the world if you like, but I'd rather some real Shit Cake complete with diarrhea swirl icing on top in my belly than play the Pretend game and eat Imaginary Caviar and Ambrosia.

If you think it's bad now, wait thirty years. It's going to get a WHOLE lot worse in the future for reasons that are far too intricate for me to explain in this rant.

Fuck, now I've gotten myself all worked up. Time to go get shot in CS to help me chill the fuck out.

/rant complete


I'm New Here
As a fellow canadian soldier, I can attest that yes, we spend ALOOOOOOOT of money for no god damn reason..Like the new airforce planes that we keep wasting billions on.... Unfortunately I'm not going to go into a big huge rant as ghett0 did, but everything he has said about the whole contractors is pretty much true, not just in the public sector, but as in the military, we have certain trades, trained to do certain jobs, but yet.. the gov't will still spend needless amount of money getting a contractor to do the job.. that they train some military personnel to do...

Can't forget how some ppl double dip. now what that means is. You do your 25 or w/e years of service, you retire, full pension, then apply to the DND, for the exact same position, but as a civilian, getting paid almost double what you did while serving..., so while they are getting their full pension from the gov't from retiring as a military member, they are getting a 2nd paycheck and benefits from the very same government


DARKLY Regular
As a fellow canadian soldier, I can attest that yes, we spend ALOOOOOOOT of money for no god damn reason..Like the new airforce planes that we keep wasting billions on.... Unfortunately I'm not going to go into a big huge rant as ghett0 did, but everything he has said about the whole contractors is pretty much true, not just in the public sector, but as in the military, we have certain trades, trained to do certain jobs, but yet.. the gov't will still spend needless amount of money getting a contractor to do the job.. that they train some military personnel to do...

Can't forget how some ppl double dip. now what that means is. You do your 25 or w/e years of service, you retire, full pension, then apply to the DND, for the exact same position, but as a civilian, getting paid almost double what you did while serving..., so while they are getting their full pension from the gov't from retiring as a military member, they are getting a 2nd paycheck and benefits from the very same government

Then they triple dip, because once they cap at 35 Years of Service COMBINED and have TWO pensions, they know everyone in DND and have all the connections and the skills to CONTRACT at their old position for TRIPLE their military salary (if not more), while they collect not one, but TWO pensions from DND because they are technically retired..... twice.

I contract for DND. I feel bad because a lot of reservists lost their jobs because they got axed and replaced with people like me because contractors don't need to get paid benefits and they can fire us by snapping their fingers.) It's cold-hearted, but the push towards contractors is the closest the government can come to privatizing the Public Service and bringing in new blood with a work ethic comparable to the Private Sectors while they wave the carrot of a permanent position in our faces to get us to do more work. Unfortunately, what ends up happening is we are treated like second class citizens (which we are) and, ultimately, the people who DO work directly for the government get contractors to do their jobs while they go to "meetings".... conveniently held at Bars and Restaurants where they shmooze each other and shoot the shit while contractors do all the heavy lifting, trying to be good little slaves so they can get a seat at the master's table.

Personally, I have no illusions. I know I am a mercenary, and like any mercenary, I do what I am paid to do and no more, showing only as much loyalty to my colleagues as I have to to keep collecting my paycheque. After all, it's my agency that gets me my contracts and my agency who I work for; not the government. If I'm going to be a second class citizen, I'll be damned if I'm going to wear their choke chain or do the "Little extras" that the new guy is supposed to do. I'm not the new guy. I'm rented help, and once the rent term expires, I could give a shit about the people I worked for.

You get what you pay for. The sad thing is, a lot of contractors get under-cut by the company that hires them, so they do nothing but gripe all day and drag their ass, making them just as useless as the lazy bastards they are supposed to be doing the work of. In other words, they are just as much of a waste of money as the guy next to them, and they only cost about $10K/year less, which is the price of the benefits the permanent employees get, not a difference in wage.

This is your tax dollars hard at work, people.


TD Member
it's not like this shit is any great secret, everything he talks about has literally been covered in the mainstream media the past few years. you can yell and shout and point out to people how fucking stupid they are and they still don't get it. of course the only option is to enforce laws by sticking a gun in people's face. the only thing people truly understand is DO THIS or WE FUCK YOU UP


DARKLY Regular
It's hard to trust the media in an age where the fourth estate has vanished. The show "The NewsRoom" very subtly reminds us that there is no such thing as the fourth estate anymore. Journalism is no longer a stabilizing force that keeps society honest; it is a political extension of influence, to be peddled, manipulated and used to present the images and ideas that they are paid to present.

(I say this as a former A student of what was, at the time, the best Journalism school in North America.)


DARKLY Regular
Nothing to be ashamed of bro. People who want to read it will read it. People who don't won't. There's no accounting for taste.

I wore my big boy pants today. I'm over it. :P


DARKLY Regular
Been watching Stefan for a long time. surprised he hasn't "mysteriously disappeared" by now.
He's one sharp dude, been on point for years- hope he continues as people need to listen and educate themselves.


DARKLY Regular
Been watching Stefan for a long time. surprised he hasn't "mysteriously disappeared" by now.
He's one sharp dude, been on point for years- hope he continues as people need to listen and educate themselves.
Oh, I'm sure he's still around for 2 reasons. First, all of us who watch his videos are put into the Database for tracking and monitoring for "UnAmerican behaviour" or whatever other asterisks they put beside the names of people who don't tow the line.

Second off, they'll brand him a terrorist soon enough. Wait and see. They just want to wait until they get a feel for what kind of resistance people who free themselves from illusion put up first so they can be prepared to subvert it. Just because they haven't taken action doesn't mean they aren't watching you....


TD Member
all the issues he covered have already been covered in the mainstream media. why would the government flag individuals who pay attention to issues that could catch anyone's eye at a news stand? a lot of people in government are just as concerned with these sort of issues as we are and more than welcome changes to the status quo. the problem is it's difficult to get them to champion meaningful change because, as stefan pointed out, the short election cycles of our political system means they need to promise short-term goals they can deliver while in office. the issue overall is mostly cultural. the last election was won by the short-term promises made to the middle class. everyone just voted for what seemed like a good way to save some money on life. if that's what the public votes for in a democratic system where they choose who they want in charge, lecturing them doesn't seem to pose much of a threat to the established order. people just have too much to lose to hand the power over to a niche party, so they vote for whoever they think can promise them the most and actually deliver some of it


DARKLY Regular
You learn a lot of things living in the Capital and working for and living with people who work in the government. They seem ridiculous, but there they are.
Prior to the Patriot Act, there was a facility in Ottawa which was paid, by the American government, to spy on it's citizens because for them to do so would be illegal. For us to do so, however, was seen as "Rocking a solid" to our bestest buddies the Americans. (You'd be surprised what people tell you when you go to get your gun license along with a bunch of Military dudes.) This facility was not decommissioned and continues to operate; frequently upsetting people, like the Director General of a separate arm of National Defense, when they, due to their highly classified nature, get to go over budget and demand more money from the Right Honorable <insert current Defense Minister's name here> without having to justify what they are spending it on because "It's classified".

It doesn't take a rocket scientists to see that, when we released our own version of the "Patriot Act" and these people kept on working in the same place, with the same stuff, that CSEC did not cease to be or cease to operate, they started looking in a different place. As you mentioned, Sal, this IS a matter of public record. The "Left Coast" is currently suing CSEC for precisely this; the collection of metadata regarding Internet usage, email contents and phone data which they claim violates the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms protection against "unreasonable" violations of our privacy; a suit which will likely fail because the legislation defined that such things were "Reasonable" given the immense threats posed by terrorism.

To quote Nirvana....

"Just because you're paranoid,
Don't mean they're not after you"

I suffer no illusion with regards to my "Privacy". In the age of Facebook, privacy does not exist. In the age of cell phones with cameras on both sides and Facebook and Twitter where we willingly and happily share our entire lives with anyone who will watch to be recorded and archived and used for whatever purposes those who own them see fit, there is no such thing as privacy.


Am I full of shit now? $1.2 Billion is a lot of cheddar to throw at something that "Isn't happening", now isn't it? I know where they are building this thing, or I SHOULD say I know where the CURRENT location is that they are planning to replace. Fuck, I referee a tournament in the fields outside of it once a year. You'd be surprised what kinda things people share with you between matches at a soccer tournament. I spoke with a mechanic for all of JTF2s toys last year (Specifically, their helicopters) during a Lightning stoppage in his daughter's soccer game last season. The world is a small place, and if you have an honest, friendly face and you keep your ears open, you'd be surprised how much perfect strangers will be happy to share with you just because you open your mind to it and show an interest in what they have to say.

We all have "Water cooler" talk during our lunch hour, and when you work at National Defense...... people say things they probably shouldn't because you have an honest and friendly face and are willing to listen. When people are frustrated and worried they are about to get fired, they are like a dirty sponge getting squeezed. You'd be amazed at what comes out of them; stuff you definitely couldn't see from the surface.

But what do I know, I'm full of shit and this is all just an illusion, right? A $1.2 billion illusion in a time of austerity cuts and savage spending reductions.... which are all too real in most places..... except of course if you work WITHIN some of these departments and find out a lot of these "Cuts" are the natural attrition of a large number of people who were hoping to retire anyhow, and are happy to take a fat Golden Parachute on their way out the door.

Ottawa might be a boring place to live, but you'd be amazed the kind of shit you learn when you have the right friends and ears like a satellite dish. ;)