Can someone please explain bullet spread?


TD Member
I've never really understood how bullet spread works in this game, and lately it's been extremely frustrating. I'll get into a gun fight with someone, both of us firing on full automatic, but often I'm lucky to even get 1 hit on the enemy, whereas I'll be hit 4-5 times.

I know that there are differences between weapons, but this will happen when using the same gun too (P90 for example).

I'm not expecting this information to make me a better player, just maybe help me feel less rage when it happens every round xD


TD Member
Thanks nb!

Haha, if it was occasionally it wouldn't bother me as much. Happens every night :) Most of it is I just suck, haha
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DARKLY Regular
Im going to assume you are talking about the bullet spread of rifles in csgo. The spray will always make the shape of a ' T ' when you keep the mouse1 held down. This means that when you begin your spray your crosshair MUST be right on your target before you start spraying. Often times people start spraying too far from the left or right and expect the bullspread to save them, this does not happen since your bullets follow the T shape. When you crouch and spray, the spray pattern is still a T but it is smaller so the bulletspread is less. This is why it's advised to pull your mouse down slightly when you are spraying, because by doing so you negate the formation of the T bulletspread and make it more into a condensed bullet range.

It's hard/inaccurate to understand recoil when reading wirtten guides. I HIGHLY recommend you watch this vid done by Jordan n0thing from cloud9.



TD Member
BJ is right, P90 hold down trigger and run straight at them.

Although dammit, now I know why half my headshots are misses. WTF aim below the head? This is why I use the SSG it's at least accurate.


TD Member
Thanks everyone.

That article on recoil mechanics I found really helpful. Whether or not it helps me kill more people, at least I fill like I have an idea of what's happening.


TD Admin
Some weapons you aim slightly above the head or top of the head and usually that goes into a 1 shot HS kill.
Learn the patterns of the favorite weapons and learn to control the recoil for each one of them. It will be hard at the beginning but in time you will get so use to it, you will do it without thinking.

Use spray only on close combat... at distance spraying will get you nothing unless you were raped by luck all your life. Control your bursts at distance and aim slightly below head with SMGs.
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