Future Ban List Occupant
De_contra around 3:20 -3:30 pm 7/21/2012
had a sweet little 5 k in upper A that I would like to get the demo of
had a sweet little 5 k in upper A that I would like to get the demo of
LolIt's not that. SourceTV is down at the moment.
Why do you hate me steve ? I know you think I cheat but I really don't hell Ill record myself playing like tyler offered to if that helps .
I like the TD community , and would like it if you could treat me normally and would also appreciate it if you would stop calling me a fag everytime you see me .
yes I have a vac ban on my account for mw3 for attempting to use a max prestige exploit big deal , I will gladly prove any day I do not cheat just make your request .
id you didnt notice steve calls everyone a fag because hes trying to make himself feel better for being and actual fag