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Calling all canadians....

Ba Chicka Wa Wa

TD Member
The other day while my fiance was at the bridal store and a former NHL star Keith Crowder http://bruins.nhl.com/club/player.htm?id=8446242 and his wife long story short bought a dress for Jess for our wedding. Jess lost their address and number and I'm looking to contact them back before the wedding. I live in Michigan and they were visiting here. They are from Canada and I'm not sure if any of you would know how to locate someones address or phone there.


Staff member
The results from deadmike are just Ontario, you need to do a search for every province.

Plus there is the added fact he isn't on any public listing, unless he's a complete idiot. The CanPages database is purely home-phone (not cell phones) related, hence why I'm not there and most of Canada.

dead mike

TD Member, Legend, Puncher of Faces, Chatbox King
it says his home town is windsor on the page, tucumseh looks like a suburb of windsor ..... it's prob the right one.


TD Admin
'hey you're from Canada? I met a Canadian once. His name was Keith. You know him?'


TD Admin / Giant Faggot
I doubt he would be listed... I dont know about 'NHL star' either but....... :P

he bouught your girls wedding dress though Corey??? Thats pretty sick