User: Low Budget.
Cleverbot: Does that mean your depressed?
User: What the fuck are you talking about?
Cleverbot: Nevermind.
User: Yeah, nevermind is right. Stupid fuck.
Cleverbot: Will you tell me a story?
User: Once upon a time FUCK YOU!
Cleverbot: What did this cleverbot do?
User: Piss me off with inane bullshit.
Cleverbot: Tell me more.
User: You're such a fucking troll, cleverbot.
Cleverbot: *hugs slave boy*.
User: Seriously, dude. Fuck off with that.
Cleverbot: So what would you like to know then?
User: What are you wearing, nigga?
Cleverbot: Black pants and t-shirt, a red hoodie, and fuzzy Hello Kitty slipper socks. How about yourself?
User: Shit, that's gangster. I'm wearing a cock-cozy. My grandmother knit it for me.
Cleverbot: I love that book! But probably because my english teacher is awesome.
User: What? What book?
Cleverbot: A book about Awareness. I forgot the title.
User: Oh, I read that one. Awareness: Figuring Out You Are a Faggot, by Glen Yu.
Cleverbot: Choose: left or right.
User: Up.
Cleverbot: Down.
User: Left.
Cleverbot: Right.
User: B.
Cleverbot: C.
User: Wrong code, man.
Cleverbot: How so?
-> This sucks. TD already has a bullshit conversation generator: just talk to Fork.