!Bp or !Backpack (Backpack Examiner) Not Working

Just like the title says, whenever I try to !bp someone it doesn't work. It isn't just for the Darkly servers that I always go on, but most trade servers. I do the normal thing, I type in !bp and select someone's name or I type out their name and the window pops up. I have waited for over 10 minutes before and all that pops up is the website name. Pretty sure that the max I allowed was 20 minutes-ish. I know what it looks like when it works, I mean it shows the person's backpack. I just want to know what I can do to make it work. I have a good computer and internet service, so that shouldn't be a problem. If it is a problem of a missing program or file I would like to know where I can get said program/file to allow it to work. One thing I have not done is re-install Tf2 which I might do if nobody has any feedback.


DARKLY Regular
I have not seen the bp plugin slow down. But if it happens to, it's not you're TF2 client (or at-least it should not be). The plugin just retrieves the backpack information from another database. So if it takes too long to load, it could just be that there servers are having a high payload. I wouldn't re-install. But if you feel the need to, go right on ahead.

Source it gets information from: http://www.tf2items.com/
i have not experienced any issues with the !bp command, it may be because the connection to the Steam API has been severed.

If you experience this again, post with the time/date/server and who you attempted to !bp on. Also, restart Steam then re-launch TF2. Only time I've ever had issues with it were fixed by a refresh of my connection.
i have not experienced any issues with the !bp command, it may be because the connection to the Steam API has been severed.

If you experience this again, post with the time/date/server and who you attempted to !bp on. Also, restart Steam then re-launch TF2. Only time I've ever had issues with it were fixed by a refresh of my connection.

3:41 PM/ Tuesday, June 26, 2012/ DARKLY | Toronto TF2 Trade / Idling Server (Map - Trade_Rawr_V1)/ I tried !bp -ing on multiple people but the first one was a person named Mack.
I also re-installed steam and it's a no go. My friend also had this problem but it seemed to fix itself for him. Like I said, I can run the game fine and have been able to use the !bp function on only one server (server unknown) out of my attempts on over 40.

OG buckshot jr

TD Admin

* But seriously, try to use appropriate forum sections so Toronto Darkly can help you a little more efficiently. Thank you.

* But seriously, try to use appropriate forum sections so Toronto Darkly can help you a little more efficiently. Thank you.

I needed help so I went to the help section. I'm sorry that you created a help section.

Shotgun Jesus

TD Admin
Staff member
I needed help so I went to the help section. I'm sorry that you created a help section.
Don't worry about it. This section is for all our servers, not just the Toronto Darkly pub.

I asked a few TF2 guys and they say they're not having any issues with !bp on our servers. Hmmm.


DARKLY Regular
I can visit the website without delay, I have been using that in the meantime.

Can you check in your options and make sure the "Disable HTML MOTDs" is not checked?
This is really the only reason I can see causing a problem with viewing bps, as it is done through HTML, and people can disable it.
I don't really know what happens when it shows but the website gets displayed a few times after a long period of time. The only time that I did connect to the backpack function, like I said, was on a different server and it was almost instantaneously. My friend that I usually ask to view peoples backpacks for me told me that the website name shows and then it works, but for me it shows and then it disappears and it reappears after another long amount of time. I don't think it is my computer or my network connection because both my computer and my internet is better. he constantly has FPS and Latency issues where as I sit around 70 Latency and no FPS issues at all. I am connecting from Arizona, that is, and Toronto is quite a long ways away.
Can you check in your options and make sure the "Disable HTML MOTDs" is not checked?
This is really the only reason I can see causing a problem with viewing bps, as it is done through HTML, and people can disable it.
I'll check, I think it is disabled. I think that is the issue. YEP IT IS. THANK YOU. I LOVE YOU. OH MY GOD I LOVE YOU. That was the issue. Now there is a solution for the problem if it occurs for anyone else.


DARKLY Regular
I'll check, I think it is disabled. I think that is the issue. YEP IT IS. THANK YOU. I LOVE YOU. OH MY GOD I LOVE YOU. That was the issue. Now there is a solution for the problem if it occurs for anyone else.

Haha. No problem. If you have anymore questions about the servers, ask here (brades and lb own the TF2 servers I believe)!

* But seriously, try to use appropriate forum sections so Toronto Darkly can help you a little more efficiently. Thank you.
Get out.

I'll check, I think it is disabled. I think that is the issue. YEP IT IS. THANK YOU. I LOVE YOU. OH MY GOD I LOVE YOU. That was the issue. Now there is a solution for the problem if it occurs for anyone else.

Let me guess, you disabled that to try to avoid Ads correct?


I thought it was disabled because of the new TF2 update... SourceMod should be broken on trade_plaza servers, so !bp won't work on those.
But for some strange reason, SourceMod is up on the trade_rawr_v1 servers.
I thought it was disabled because of the new TF2 update... SourceMod should be broken on trade_plaza servers, so !bp won't work on those.
But for some strange reason, SourceMod is up on the trade_rawr_v1 servers.

Sourcemod has nothing to do with it. (I'd hope) It's that many servers use advertising programs/plugins that have not had all the bugs worked out of yet, causing massive lag and intense frame drops as well as increasing memory usage between sending client information and up to 5 minutes afterwards when you enter the server. Then there have been a few communities taking advantage o the screens to force some otherwise unnecessary bloatware that is supposed to get you to donate.

In order to bypass this, people have been disabling the MOTD. As a response for donations, there are still areas where the MOTD is not truly disabled, and thus, preventing the user from skipping the content. Thus, when one turns it back on, they may end up seeing twice the amount of content, which can leak and play music during gameplay. (Good example is Lotus)