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I am not a cum guzzling cunt faced shitlipped bastard, so I don't know if there are bots for TF2, and maybe we could put a few in the server to help get it seeded when there are only 4 people in there. Nawmeen. Just a thought. I know it doesn't do too much on CSS servers, but at least it gives those of us who do try to seed that shit something to shoot at while we wait.

Stop looking at me you faggots.

You knew it was this big when we started.
From what I understand, TF2 has bots, but they don't have any AI code. They spawn and do nothing. You have to control them by a series of commands... it's pretty ghey, but there's one cool one in there - If you type bot_mimic, you can have the bots copy all of the keystrokes of the player it's mimicking.
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