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Bork bork bork, its the Swedish Chef!


Alright you scallywags.

After spending a number of hours playing CS and getting owned in the face by you homewreckers, I've decided to make my presence known on these forums.

Be prepared to be shotgun-sniped.

(Actual who-am-I details: Toronto born and raised, Chemical Engineering graduate from UofT, about to move to Vancouver to become a thousand-aire starting my own alcoholic beverage busienss.)


Staff member
Your name makes me nostalgia. Nice to finally see you on the forums bud.

Hmm, What sorta alcohol will you be creating?
We're starting with fruit infused vodkas (not fruit "flavoured", if you've ever tried say, Smirnoff Raspberry or other such nonsense, it tastes nothing like actual raspberries - we're going to be using locally grown fruit as the base of our products as a relative of my business partner owns an orchard in the Okanagan Valley), then expanding into other products such as an absinthe or fruit lambic beers.

Essentially, we're looking to make "craft vodkas" in the same way that craft beers have grown as an industry.

When the website actually exists (one of the many things I'm working on, sometimes *while* playing CS), I'll point a link your way.


TD Admin, Chicken Licker, Top Shelf Sleeper
sup swedish chef ! good luck with the booze business. ill buy a bottle when it hits the store :D