Blu Ray


Staff member
They are replacing NTSC with ATSC in Canada by 2011 or something like that. I think is been done in the states by now.

NTSC and PAL (in the digital file world) are just two different resolutions (PAL being bigger) and frame rates. The frame rate/frequency Is where you are going to have an issue (PAL 25fps/50hz vs NTSC 30fps/60hz)


2012 Troll of the Year
but what about the mulplicitive inverse of the flux capacitor?

And other ununderstandable ramblings.


TD Admin / Giant Faggot
NTSC = North America and Japan (I believe)

PAL = Europe, Aussie, etc....

but I thought I heard PS3's could play NTSC or PAL discs, or there were no difference or some shit.... or maybe that was just for blu-ray, not sure...