• Welcome to DARKLY's Community Forums, Guest

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Hello all, Im Blawndie

was playing on the TD BFBC2 server.

had fun playing with ppl and especially TD_Clash [he kept on spamming to go to the site :P]

and especially enjoyed low ping XD
The reason why TD is so appealing to me is cause I am in TO.

Well, I guess I'll see some of you back on the BFBC2 server or TF2 server


TD Admin, Chicken Licker, Top Shelf Sleeper
welcome to the glorious TD forums !!!

enjoy, post some stuff for our lol, if u like.


TD Member
welcome man glad my spamming worked :). you a steam user? and feel free too hit us up on Vent next time we are in the server. info is on the right ----->