OG buckshot jr

TD Admin
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Config File
In Beephone, you can create a config file much like in CS. This can be used to show FPS, maintain certain graphical and other settings just in case they don't seem to save for you or whatever (I've not had this issue - I mainly used it just for FPS). So, you don't need a third-party software running to show FPS.

In your game install directory, you're going to create a text file and rename it to "User.cfg". Here's an example of where my directory is:


Here is my current config explained:
gametime.maxvariablefps "121"
//This limits my maximum FPS to that of my monitor's refresh rate + 1
perfoverlay.drawfps "true"
//This displays the FPS at all times in the top right corner. Location is default. Not sure how to change it, or if I even can.
RenderDevice.TripleBufferingEnable "1"
//Allows triple buffering. More performance and smoothing, less tough on your GPU.
RenderDevice.ForceRenderAheadLimit "1"
//Can't remember as I brought this one over from BF4. I'll find this in soon.
PostProcess.DynamicAOEnable "0"
//Disables Post-Processing. Again, lighter on GPU without fucking up graphics. If you have 1070/1080, delete this line, might as well max the bitch.
WorldRender.MotionBlueRnable "0"
//Disables Motion Blur because who the fuck pays thousands for an expensive PC only to see blurry shit...
WorldRender.FxaaEnable "0"
//Disables AA. I never use AA ever because it fucks with the mouse (I know this game isn't CS, but still, and AA makes all edges jaggy as fuck.

I'll add more as I go and discover shit. Please recommend shit you may have found that's useful!
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