BeanZ Application

Game Handle(s): BeanZ
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:34319549
Previous Clan/Community affiliations: Nope
Real First Name: Chris
Age: 16
Location: Scarborough
Favorite Games: CSS, TF2, COD
Interests: Playing CSS and TF2, Sports
Why do you want to join Toronto Darkly? Very friendly commmunity and the admins are very nice and supportive

YES/NO Questions:

Do you have a minimum of 3 months on the server with at least 100 hours of play? YES
Are you active on the forums? Nope
Do you have a mic? YES
Are you in good standing with the community? I think so
Are you at least 18 years of age? Nope


TD Admin
BeanZ BeanZ the musical fruit, the more you eat the more you toot, the more you toot the better you feel so eat your BeanZ at every meal!