BC2 on sale for $37.99


TD Admin | Bacon
I had heard they were running it on sale for $40 a few weeks ago, but I'd figure I'd post this encase any of you guys missed it then.

20% off sounds like a good time to get it *cough cough* low budget *cough cough* =) <3


TD Admin
wastes of life... the game is by far amazing and the only bad reviews are the noobs running the game on lower graphics


TD Admin
Definitely a worthy purchase. I think we had 10 TD members on the server on Monday evening. Awesomeness!


TD Admin
Just dont put your name as TD|Hoob. just use Hoob. there is a clan tag feature much like MW2 lol. there are a few people running around with 2 TD's in thier name


TD Admin
All those guys with two TD tags are just showing how much they love TD. They sport it twice as much as the rest of us.


TD Admin
WHAT!??! Two TD tags means you're uber l33t

Or have to have everything explained to you.