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TD Admin
It has come to my attention from several guys on the server that rei love has been walling. Although I my self has questioned his actions and beleive my actions to be just. I gave him a week off. I will not question myslef, for if i do then i have no reason to hold the responsiblity bestowed upon me. I do not base my actions on instinct nor on others opinions. With that in mind, I will continue to support my fellow admins, and respect the rules and continue to suppportTorontoDarkly.


Zombie Christ

I'm New Here
As a dedicated supporter of Toronto Darkly and with any value that I may have in the community, I would like to state that this action is completely valid and justified. On multiple occasions while spectating, his actions seemed extremely shady. I have also heard the same thing from multiple friends on the server as well. The action of banning is not taken lightly and I understand that this was not taken with any bias or ill feelings, but just basic fair gaming. I have respect for all of the Admins and will continue to show my support.

All Hail Zombie Christ


TD Admin
Rei love can ban appeal if anything. should add a screen shot of his score or a video him playing. Shouldn't it be under the ban thread.


TD Admin
I concur with Rorschach and Zombie Christ. Rei Love with his breath-taking high score and low death rate. When questioned, he immediately diminishes his high score and increases his death rate the following map. I’d do not have the expertise to pinpoint hackers, but in my opinion Rorschach, Lacrimosa and myself are justified in banning Rei Love.