Hey, I just got banned for some reason, I've been having ping issues all day, so it may have been a ping related auto ban. The only other possible thing is that it was a hack related ban, which I suppose is possible since I had just made a couple nice shots, but still, I wouldn't say it was anywhere near ban worthy, which is why I assume it's the first reason. I just want to know what the deal is, so any answer would be nice. Also, just for the record, I do not cheat or use any 3rd party anything.
TD members on at the time were I believe Town Drunk and maybe Glock, perhaps other, and it just occured, around 8pm EST. Also let me say I really enjoy your server, the high skill level, good maps and overall great atmosphere make it a lot of fun, so a speedy response would be very much appreciated.
TD members on at the time were I believe Town Drunk and maybe Glock, perhaps other, and it just occured, around 8pm EST. Also let me say I really enjoy your server, the high skill level, good maps and overall great atmosphere make it a lot of fun, so a speedy response would be very much appreciated.