BANNED [BANNED] There is a scammer among us!! Help!!

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Over the past couple of days I have experienced the work of a scamming mastermind that has infested the DARKLY TF2 Trading Servers. He goes through many name changes to remain anonymous. Recently he impersonated a DARKLY admin, "DARKLY Steeve" and said he was doing a raffle. After he had collected a few of the entry fees he left the game, changed his name to "Crazee", and came back saying he was scrapbanking. I know this because I fell victim to his raffle scheme and also needed a scrapbanker. When I traded him for his scrapbanking I recognized his picture but not his name so under further investigation I learned that he had changed his name. Another time he had changed his name to "Ethan Tremble" under this name he was also scrapbanking but he was majorly over pricing all of his items. For example he was selling a liberty launcher for 1.33 ref when it is only worth .11 ref. If anything can be done to stop his further scammin it would be greatly appreciated by the trading community.

His steamID is

if you need further contact of me, mine is


Shotgun Jesus

Professional Cocksucker
Staff member
Glad you got your stuff back, but he will remain banned. Impersonating our Head Trade Admin and scamming people is not going to be tolerated.

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