Banned for a day!!!!!!

I got banned because I have to study for my final tomorrow... is that admin abuse? haha joking, good to know u guys got my back even when it comes to school!! K, well... might as well go study.

OG buckshot jr

TD Admin
get the fuck off the forums and study fool

Ya before $tve bans you off the fourm too!! LOL good luck


TD Member
yo, that's actually a pretty good idea....
Have like a TD final list and ban the people for a day on their final day LOL

Although people who have good resistance could probably not play CS for a day LOL


TD Admin
Exams, it's a learning experience for him, so be gentle.
Banning for exams, good idea. Students only! lol :)


TD Admin
Hey Omission.... just how do you study for a prostate exam ... KY & Broom Handle ???? Just curious!
This is a bad time for a joke, but here it goes:

A kid's parents get Sploogy the Clown to perfrom for the kid's 10th year birthday party. Sploogy is a disgruntled old clown and hates these annoying brats, but hey it is a living. So just after a boring party, once all the kids are gone and Sploogy is packing up to go, the kid says,
"Hey Sploogy, you are the worst clown I've ever seen!"
To which Sploogy replys, " Yeah kid, why's that?"
"Well, you aren't funny, you smell bad, and you don't even know any magic tricks!" says the kid.
&quot:oh yeah you little shit, I know one of the best tricks ever, wanna see it?", responds Sploogy.
"Wow that would be great! Thanks Sploogy!" , crys the kid.
&quot:ok, turn around, drop your pants, and bend over." to which the kid does so.
"Now what Sploogy?" asks the kid.
"So does it feel like I have 2 thumbs up your butt?" asks the clown.
"Yeah, yeah it does." responds the kid.
Sploogy then shoves his hands with the big 'thumbs-up' sign in front of the kid's face and yells "TAAA DAAH!!"

Ok, Like I said, bad.


TD Admin
lol however, prostate examinations can be done by blood. It cost about $75.00 Canadian. The 2 thumbs in your ass is for students or people of low income. I take the $75.00 over the 2 thumbs anytime! :D


TD Admin / Rocker of City-Hair
[quote1243024696=Shooter McGavin]
This is a bad time for a joke, but here it goes:

A kid's parents get Sploogy the Clown to perfrom for the kid's 10th year birthday party. Sploogy is a disgruntled old clown and hates these annoying brats, but hey it is a living. So just after a boring party, once all the kids are gone and Sploogy is packing up to go, the kid says,
"Hey Sploogy, you are the worst clown I've ever seen!"
To which Sploogy replys, " Yeah kid, why's that?"
"Well, you aren't funny, you smell bad, and you don't even know any magic tricks!" says the kid.
&quot:oh yeah you little shit, I know one of the best tricks ever, wanna see it?", responds Sploogy.
"Wow that would be great! Thanks Sploogy!" , crys the kid.
&quot:ok, turn around, drop your pants, and bend over." to which the kid does so.
"Now what Sploogy?" asks the kid.
"So does it feel like I have 2 thumbs up your butt?" asks the clown.
"Yeah, yeah it does." responds the kid.
Sploogy then shoves his hands with the big 'thumbs-up' sign in front of the kid's face and yells "TAAA DAAH!!"

Ok, Like I said, bad.


You are inhuman.


TD Admin
[quote1243027326=Shooter McGavin]
This is a bad time for a joke, but here it goes:

A kid's parents get Sploogy the Clown to perfrom for the kid's 10th year birthday party. Sploogy is a disgruntled old clown and hates these annoying brats, but hey it is a living. So just after a boring party, once all the kids are gone and Sploogy is packing up to go, the kid says,
"Hey Sploogy, you are the worst clown I've ever seen!"
To which Sploogy replys, " Yeah kid, why's that?"
"Well, you aren't funny, you smell bad, and you don't even know any magic tricks!" says the kid.
&quot:oh yeah you little shit, I know one of the best tricks ever, wanna see it?", responds Sploogy.
"Wow that would be great! Thanks Sploogy!" , crys the kid.
&quot:ok, turn around, drop your pants, and bend over." to which the kid does so.
"Now what Sploogy?" asks the kid.
"So does it feel like I have 2 thumbs up your butt?" asks the clown.
"Yeah, yeah it does." responds the kid.
Sploogy then shoves his hands with the big 'thumbs-up' sign in front of the kid's face and yells "TAAA DAAH!!"

Ok, Like I said, bad.


ROFL that's a good one shooter LOL


vinny paz

TD Admin
