BANNED Ban Request - Spy2014

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TF2 Staff


TD Admin / Wanker
I'm not familiar with any of this new taunt stuff, I'm assuming this is similar to a Spycrab?
Would someone care to explain the situation in more detail.

Otherwise I'm going to let someone like @Tick Tock Man or @Gatherix handle this.


Senior TF2 Admin
RPS is a rock, paper, scissors taunt. Essentially just another way of gambling. The taunt displays the results for both players to the public so there is no discrepancy.


TD Member
The new taunt "Rock, Paper, Scissors" aka RPS works like a high five, one person has the taunt and starts it, another walks up and taunts with them.

RPS is exactly as it sounds, when activated both players will randomly select rock, paper, or scissors and one wins, one loses. People have begun using this as a gambling measure as well.

For what it's worth, although I wasn't able to get proof since I was on the wrong team Spy2014 ran yesterday and after he did multiple people piped up that he'd been spycrab running for days
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