DENIED Ban Request - Sharking

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I'm New Here
So theres a guy who goes on all kinds of servers (Minecraft, Darkly, RAWR ETC) and he sharks people. He sharked atleast 3 people by now. But he has tried to shark me:

And other people:

For the lulz:

Steam Stuff:
|steamID: Max The Hipster
|steamID32: STEAM_0:1:55143476


A Little Darkly
Honestly? I don't think this 'evidence' should even be taken seriously. Look at what you he/you typed. He offered to pay you more several more times. Also, what are you doing? Are you an Internet version of Chris Hansen? Is this Dateline NBC? You baited him, which isn't overly fair honestly. Yeah, sharks suck. But you have no evidence he's actually done sharked. One guy said he did, and he attempted to do it to you. That in -no- way whatsoever proves he 'goes on all kinds of servers' and has 'sharked 3 people'. I'm not an admin, and I apologize if I come off as some stuck up ass hat who's sticking up for a shark, but you're complaining over someone who low balled you. If he's scamming people out of 20 unusual's like you're playing it out as, and you have evidence to support it, then post it. Even worse, you posted his Steamrep which shows nothing to prove he's a shark. If you hate him that much, then follow him around and record evidence of him sharking/scamming. Download FRAPS or some shit. Again, I apologize if I'm coming off as aggressive and evil but there seems to be dick all evidence against him. Also, I go on Darkly trade servers all the time, for hours at a time, every day, and I have not once seen him, nor have I heard of him so he thus doesn't have a 'reputation' of being a shark. Maybe I'm wrong, and I'll happily allow that to be proven to me, but it just doesn't add up. But hey, I'm not an admin, so my opinion doesn't really matter.

TL;DR - I don't believe him.


I'm New Here
Honestly? I don't think this 'evidence' should even be taken seriously. Look at what you he/you typed. He offered to pay you more several more times. Also, what are you doing? Are you an Internet version of Chris Hansen? Is this Dateline NBC? You baited him, which isn't overly fair honestly. Yeah, sharks suck. But you have no evidence he's actually done sharked. One guy said he did, and he attempted to do it to you. That in -no- way whatsoever proves he 'goes on all kinds of servers' and has 'sharked 3 people'. I'm not an admin, and I apologize if I come off as some stuck up ass hat who's sticking up for a shark, but you're complaining over someone who low balled you. If he's scamming people out of 20 unusual's like you're playing it out as, and you have evidence to support it, then post it. Even worse, you posted his Steamrep which shows nothing to prove he's a shark. If you hate him that much, then follow him around and record evidence of him sharking/scamming. Download FRAPS or some shit. Again, I apologize if I'm coming off as aggressive and evil but there seems to be dick all evidence against him. Also, I go on Darkly trade servers all the time, for hours at a time, every day, and I have not once seen him, nor have I heard of him so he thus doesn't have a 'reputation' of being a shark. Maybe I'm wrong, and I'll happily allow that to be proven to me, but it just doesn't add up. But hey, I'm not an admin, so my opinion doesn't really matter.

TL;DR - I don't believe him.

Funny thing is, he Pay-Pal scammed the thing he was gonna give me. I'm waiting for the victim to come back. I'll try to get the victim's trade history

More Info: He has also scammed other users.:

More pictures on the way


I'm New Here
Funny thing is, he Pay-Pal scammed the thing he was gonna give me. I'm waiting for the victim to come back. I'll try to get the victim's trade history

More Info: He has also scammed other users.:

More pictures on the way

Honestly? I don't think this 'evidence' should even be taken seriously. Look at what you he/you typed. He offered to pay you more several more times. Also, what are you doing? Are you an Internet version of Chris Hansen? Is this Dateline NBC? You baited him, which isn't overly fair honestly. Yeah, sharks suck. But you have no evidence he's actually done sharked. One guy said he did, and he attempted to do it to you. That in -no- way whatsoever proves he 'goes on all kinds of servers' and has 'sharked 3 people'. I'm not an admin, and I apologize if I come off as some stuck up ass hat who's sticking up for a shark, but you're complaining over someone who low balled you. If he's scamming people out of 20 unusual's like you're playing it out as, and you have evidence to support it, then post it. Even worse, you posted his Steamrep which shows nothing to prove he's a shark. If you hate him that much, then follow him around and record evidence of him sharking/scamming. Download FRAPS or some shit. Again, I apologize if I'm coming off as aggressive and evil but there seems to be dick all evidence against him. Also, I go on Darkly trade servers all the time, for hours at a time, every day, and I have not once seen him, nor have I heard of him so he thus doesn't have a 'reputation' of being a shark. Maybe I'm wrong, and I'll happily allow that to be proven to me, but it just doesn't add up. But hey, I'm not an admin, so my opinion doesn't really matter.

TL;DR - I don't believe him.

How do you not know he was just saying "ill offer more" so I don't report him?


A Little Darkly
Um no.

Re-Read it :)
I did, and in the first picture he said 'I'll offer other things'. You're still not getting my point either. That SteamREP post shows that they still don't have any evidence against him. Sure, he may have a bad rep around fine, but -without evidence- I sincerely doubt you'll get anywhere.


A Little Darkly
Sorry for constantly replying, but I just read the last 'scam report' you posted, and quite frankly, if you're willing to -give your items to a complete stranger you met 10 minutes ago- when he says he's just 'borrowing them', you're a dink. Hell, I have a feeling if 90% of TF2 players got told 'hay guize i let u borrw mah items 4 10 minz and u gime rec' they'd just take it and peel. Not saying I would, I'm saying a lot of players would. IMO that guy deserved it, which also comes back to the point of -he has no proof-.
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