BANNED Ban Request - Runner

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DARKLY Regular
July 25, 2016 at 1:35 PM EST on Darkly Trade Server #2

Details: Ok so what happened is Fetus asked me to check out this guy "Runner" and told me he was aimbotting or hacking, so while he was still on I switched to spectate and started watching this guy, First off, he was masking his ping and he was lagging so bad it was hard to watch, Second, He was Aimbotting as Demo from what i watched, He had perfect pills and seemed to be wallhacks, he claimed he was a retired tf2 veteran. how true is that, i dont know.


The Demo is pretty choppy since he was lagging so bad.

| steamname: Runner
| steam3ID: [U:1:359594101]
| steamID32: STEAM_0:1:179797050
| steamID64:
| customURL:
| steamrep:


DARKLY Regular
Thank you points for this demo of a Demo who was demonstrating hacking for the server... But yes that be some hacks, for those not watching the .dem file, the player in question is looking away from the targets he shooting yet some how his grenades(pills) keep hitting targets off to the left and right. It can be observed standing still as well as moving in the .dem and does not fit the normal grenade(pill) arch when strafing. This is a hack called "Perfect Pills" or something.


Senior TF2 Staff
Took a look, and yeah IMO it's definitely hacks whether its perfect pills or whatever. I'd throw my hat in on the "ban his ass" wagon. Let the boss...aka Cmp...take a look and make the call. He's secretly my hero.

"Senior TF2 Admin" :yaoming::awyeah::amused::girlslaughing:
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