EXPIRED Ban Request: Game Codes

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Brains Is A Fag

DARKLY Regular
| steamname: Pikachewbacca
| steamID32: STEAM_0:0:45552226
| steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198051370180
| customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/LordOfAllLlamas
| steamrep: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198051370180

| steamname: Peace:D
| steamID32: STEAM_0:0:43047862
| steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198046361452
| customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/HashtagPeace
| steamrep: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198046361452

Reason: He's asking for the item (game codes) before giving the items he's trading (unusuals/his inventory apparently. From his story [there are various stories], he's cashing out or his brother's moving out or something). He's currently on Idle 1 (time: 4:24 EST 12/9). He's also hopping from Darkly servers to others saying the same thing. I first saw him at Idle 2

EDIT: Apparently he's extremely misleading and just gave 14bux the deal of a lifetime for Starbound, and he's innocent.


If you trade the gifts with me Ill give the hats I have never scammed before
DARKLY | Toronto TF2 Trade/Idle #1 | darklytrade.com
Dec 9, 2013 4:02:46 pm
How about this, I wont use the code until you have the hats
DARKLY | Toronto TF2 Trade/Idle #1 | darklytrade.com
Dec 9, 2013 4:01:20 pm


TD Admin
I dont get it...
Game codes are literally codes that allow you to receive games or other times within the game once you enter the code.
While there are times when the players that sell them aren't scamming.
Most of the time players do end up trying to scam or solicit items without giving a code, or a legit code.
Or like in this case demand the item before they give the code.
Even so, the selling of game codes is not prohibited on the servers if I am not mistaken.

I am helping Narf gather the evidence required as of now.


Game codes are literally codes that allow you to receive games or other times within the game once you enter the code.
While there are times when the players that sell them aren't scamming.
Most of the time players do end up trying to scam or solicit items without giving a code, or a legit code.
Or like in this case demand the item before they give the code.
Even so, the selling of game codes is not prohibited on the servers if I am not mistaken.

I am helping Narf gather the evidence required as of now.

I know what codes are but it was just worded wierd. gl
I do not see the...problem here, besides the fact that when someone is attempting to do this kind of transaction, they really need to find a middleman or an administrator. If no one on DARKLY is avaliable, you can always ask someone here.

http://steamrep.com/list/M Be mindful that some will not do activation keys, which is what it seems to be taking place here.
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