DARKLY Regular
Date/Time: August 7th, 2016 Approx. 8:20 PM EST
Incident: Coolcat, as well as Kami (Will create seperate ban request for same offense), proceeded to mic spam the Keemstar famous "Alex is a stupid N-word". Nobody was able to obtain video evidence, but most of the server witnessed the event. Kami did type Alex is a [INSERT HERE] in the chat, so that will be in the chat logs. Fear did perma-mute one of the offenders, and kick the other.
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Incident: Coolcat, as well as Kami (Will create seperate ban request for same offense), proceeded to mic spam the Keemstar famous "Alex is a stupid N-word". Nobody was able to obtain video evidence, but most of the server witnessed the event. Kami did type Alex is a [INSERT HERE] in the chat, so that will be in the chat logs. Fear did perma-mute one of the offenders, and kick the other.
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