INCORRECT FORMAT Ban Request AWSOME MAN 888 ran from crab

Penguin [P.A]

I'm New Here
| steamname: AWSOME MAN 888
| steam3ID: [U:1:117637249]
| steamID32: STEAM_0:1:58818624
| steamID64:
| customURL:
| steamrep:

On server #2 SelenaIsBae (couldn't find profile :( ) was crabbing AWESOME MAN 888.... SelenaIsB went 3-0 and would win 2 hats but AWESOME MAN 888 ran away... Fear the elderly was in the server but I presumed was afk
(sorry if text is hard to see) (also my first report so i prob messed up)


Senior TF2 Staff
Happen to have a recording of the spycrab? A single screenshot might not be enough evidence to warrant a ban.


Senior TF2 Admin
Thanks for the report, Penguin, but we can't do anything unless we have a couple more things from you:

~The initial spycrab agreement from both parties
~Evidence that the spy-crab occurred (video of the crab)

Without these things we can't ban this guy, but that doesn't mean we wont keep a close eye on him from now on.
Denied unless more evidence is provided