• Guest, if you wish to appeal your ban, please read these threads first:

    READ ME DARKLY Ban Appeal Template + READ ME DARKLY Server Rules

    Guest, Ban Appeal threads are for the player appealing and the banning Admin to respond to. All other posts will be removed at the Moderator's discretion.

REVISED Ban appeal

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I'm New Here
Name When Banned: MoistGrandpa
Steam ID:http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198056947239/
Game: Team Fortress 2
Server: All darkly Servers, and all severs that use steam rep.
Ban Reason:Attempted scam and impersonation, Affiliation with this :http://www.darklygaming.com/forum/threads/attempted-scamming-middleman-impersonation.8685/

State your case:
Hi guys. Im going to be 100% honest here what I did was wrong, It was stupid and childish. I guess I was in over my head. The rush and the excitement of making those couple extra keys so that you can buy that nice hat or misc that you have desperately wanted for quite some time. Well that is exactly what had happened to me and I made the wrong choice. I attempted to scam an innocent tf2 trader, and for what? a couple of keys. Im glad someone put an end to it before it happened I would have been overcome with guilt if the scam had gone through. I know it was wrong and I know everyone must think im the scum of the earth but I have learned from my mistakes. I understand if you decide not to unban me/ remove my marking on steam rep. But I only just realised how tf2 has affected my life. Without tf2 im incredibly bored. I used to come home after school hop on any trade server that was nearly full, check my trades on tf2outpost and then spend hours trying to get that sweet deal. Tf2 has been a huger part of my life not only because of trading but because of the friends I have made along the way. I honestly cant imagine my life without tf2. I have nearly 300 hours played on tf2 I find that to be insane for me at least. I would like to apologize any and all that I have hurt especially : RoseFag(No Sound) and DARKLY:STD FIEND for giving them such a hard time I was acting incredibly immature and it was because I didn't want to accept that I have been banned and marked as a scammer. I know ask of Darkly to find forgiveness somewhere in their hearts to unban me and unmark me from steam rep. I know that if I were you I would probably not however I can always hope that there are people in this world who have huge hearts.


TD Admin / Wanker
Thank you for taking the time to appeal.
Unfortunately for you this isn't just some run of the mill Mic Spam ban you are appealing, so this may take a little longer to review than usual.

The Banning Admin will review your case and make a decision.
Please sit tight and be patient until that happens.


I'm New Here
I completely understand thanks for the help.
And if you guys choose not to unban me I understand as well
This is a very serious ordeal


Death by Darkly
Hi MoistGrandpa, thank you for filing the appeal.

I was the banning admin and thus will be handling and evaluating your appeal. As part of this process I will be conducting a one on one interview with you regarding your actions and this appeal. A link to my profile is available below; please add me on Steam, whereupon we will be conducting this interview.


Original appeal, in the event something is edited by the user.

Name When Banned: MoistGrandpa
Steam ID:http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198056947239/
Game: Team Fortress 2
Server: All darkly Servers, and all severs that use steam rep.
Ban Reason:Attempted scam and impersonation, Affiliation with this :http://www.darklygaming.com/forum/threads/attempted-scamming-middleman-impersonation.8685/

State your case:
Hi guys. Im going to be 100% honest here what I did was wrong, It was stupid and childish. I guess I was in over my head. The rush and the excitement of making those couple extra keys so that you can buy that nice hat or misc that you have desperately wanted for quite some time. Well that is exactly what had happened to me and I made the wrong choice. I attempted to scam an innocent tf2 trader, and for what? a couple of keys. Im glad someone put an end to it before it happened I would have been overcome with guilt if the scam had gone through. I know it was wrong and I know everyone must think im the scum of the earth but I have learned from my mistakes. I understand if you decide not to unban me/ remove my marking on steam rep. But I only just realised how tf2 has affected my life. Without tf2 im incredibly bored. I used to come home after school hop on any trade server that was nearly full, check my trades on tf2outpost and then spend hours trying to get that sweet deal. Tf2 has been a huger part of my life not only because of trading but because of the friends I have made along the way. I honestly cant imagine my life without tf2. I have nearly 300 hours played on tf2 I find that to be insane for me at least. I would like to apologize any and all that I have hurt especially : RoseFag(No Sound) and DARKLY:STD FIEND for giving them such a hard time I was acting incredibly immature and it was because I didn't want to accept that I have been banned and marked as a scammer. I know ask of Darkly to find forgiveness somewhere in their hearts to unban me and unmark me from steam rep. I know that if I were you I would probably not however I can always hope that there are people in this world who have huge hearts.
When you made the decision to 'trade' to get a few extra keys, did it ever occur to you the consequences of your actions? Did the thought ever run through your mind, "Wait this is wrong, I shouldn't do this..." at any point in time when you did this?

This decision alone, was made by you, pressured or not, but by your own actions. You chose to deprive this, and other traders of their items through the use of deception, use of fraudulent accounts and conspired with another to keep the scams going. This alone...is not good.

But then it gets worse. You went a step further, and impersonated one of our trusted administrators, threatening all of the above, with collateral damage that the victim would be wrongly accused of stealing other user's items with the promise of a fair trade/raffle/gamble. Impersonations are quite serious on the tier levels.

In light of all of this, I am denying your appeal.
MoistGrandpa Should you have any questions, please feel free to add me on Steam, alternatively, if you would like to discuss your Ban, talk to me on there as well.
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