I'm New Here
Name When Banned: |OF|Dr.Freeman
Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:9542837
Game: TeamFortress2
Server: DARKLY | Toronto TF2 Trade/Idle #2 | darklytrade...
Ban Reason: SMAC Eye Test Violation
State your case: I was banned from darkly trade_rawr servers and it say that Ifailled an eye test violation and don't know what that is I went here to check what was the deal with this and it says i was banned at 7:34 pm and i wasn't even online at the time and even tried to get some of my friends to help find out what does the eye test violation mean we can find out what it is i would very like to know what that means and why does that i am banned
Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:9542837
Game: TeamFortress2
Server: DARKLY | Toronto TF2 Trade/Idle #2 | darklytrade...
Ban Reason: SMAC Eye Test Violation
State your case: I was banned from darkly trade_rawr servers and it say that Ifailled an eye test violation and don't know what that is I went here to check what was the deal with this and it says i was banned at 7:34 pm and i wasn't even online at the time and even tried to get some of my friends to help find out what does the eye test violation mean we can find out what it is i would very like to know what that means and why does that i am banned